Page 1 of Magdalene Nox

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Thirty years ago…

Six months hadto be some kind of record even for her. Six months ago, she’d stepped onto this godforsaken island for the first time. And one day, she’d gotten in trouble for burning candles in her dorm room. She’d been told she’d be expelled if she caused trouble.

That’s when she’d first run away from the ever-preaching Professor Dorsea and found herself on a slab of rock overlooking the tumultuous ocean. Amber Dragon Cliff welcomed what her mother would refer to as ‘a brooding teen in the midst of a temper tantrum’, embracing her and calming her heightened spirits.

And here she was half a year later, saying goodbye to the rocks and the waves, with Professor Dorsea quietly standing a few steps away from her, appearing to give her time and space, despite having no clue what was happening.


Nobody understood anyway. Not her, nor these waters, nor this cliff. They could burn for all she cared. And she didn’t care at all.

A strange sensation of cold ran through her, and she touched her sternum. It felt like a wound was open there, skin and tendons, muscles and sinew frayed.

Dramatic much?

Even to her own mind, it sounded overblown, but no matter how much she tried to take a deeper breath, it seemed impossible, the tearing in the middle of her chest burning and leaving her shivering.

A panic attack…

She recognized those easily enough. Immersed in gruesome images, she rubbed her palms over her cheeks, trying to avoid any further embarrassment. Tears of helpless rage stung her eyes, but she refused to let any more fall. These people deserved none of her emotions. She’d break apart later. When she got back to Boston. Her mother wouldn’t care if she howled with pain, anyway. She’d buy her some useless bauble or send her away on some stupid trip to Europe to get her out of her sight.

Magdalene bit her lip, and the taste of copper on her tongue grounded her. She licked the crimson away, standing just a bit taller. Her fall had already been predetermined, so why not have all her pride on display?

Her eyes dry now, she wondered why there’d been tears in the first place. So they’d expelled her. Big deal. It was the fourth boarding school she’d been kicked out of. Nothing new. A shrug was all she could muster as a reaction.

She hated them all, so why did it hurt this much? Why did her heart feel like it would beat itself out of her ribcage? Right out of that damned open wound dead center of her chest?

Was it because all she really wanted was to stay? Another shake of her head. No, no, she didn’t care.She didn’t care.Not about Hilda, nor about this decrepit place, nor about the dark granite, or white marble and burnished oak of the manor. None of it mattered. It wasn’t beautiful. It wasn’t haunted by the veneer of peace that was always just out of her reach.

Hilda had thrown her under the bus quickly enough, too, as though their kisses and their love didn’t matter. Clearly they didn’t to her, since she hadn’t spoken to Magdalene since they’d been caught making out. Since Hilda had told everyone, she was forced into that kiss to begin with.


And the way the school was headed, the marble would crumble from neglect sooner rather than later. Sure, they didn’t see it just yet, but she had hidden in plenty of basements and attics, and all the signs were there. The adults were all either righteous zealots or mealymouthed appeasers. In between the two, the school was not well cared for, and even a teenager recognized that the consequences would soon rear their heads. So much for the fine masonry and centuries-old carpentry.


All of it should simply disappear. This entire island, this entire school. Nobody was happy on this pile of rocks and sand, anyway. Not the students, hiding inside the ancient closets, nor the hypocritical teachers, preaching against their own nature.

Her breath was coming in shallow exhalations, but at least the tears were now forgotten. She’d never let these people see her cry.

A quiet cough from behind startled her and made her angrier. Would a few more minutes have killed anyone?

“Ms. Smith?”

Yeah, it looked like a little extra time would definitely be too damn much to ask. As would giving her the privacy and dignity to say her goodbyes in peace.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing the voice behind her to get the hint. It didn’t. And neither did its owner, as a shaking hand landed on her shoulder.

“Magdalene… It’s getting late…”

She shrugged off the patronizing appendage.

“I heard you the first time.” It pleased her that her voice was wrapped in steel. Even her mother would have been proud. If she’d be bothered to notice, that is.

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