Page 51 of The Headmistress

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“Do you know how big of a turn on your dressing-down of the trustees was? How you putting Joel firmly in his place was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen? Do you know what I want you to do to me right now?”

Sam shook her head and tried to keep up because the events of the day were quickly overwhelming her. Magdalene wasn’t upset or angered. Magdalene was turned on. Sam squeezed her thighs and chose not to say anything, lest she blurt out something dumb. She knew her own history after all, and with how the day was going, she was due to say something stupid any second now.

Magdalene was clearly undeterred by Sam’s silence. She moved even closer, their bodies flush now and whispered directly into Sam’s ear, her lips just a breath away from Sam’s skin.

“I want you to spread me on my desk and sit down in my chair and thrust your tongue into my pussy and eat me until I scream. And then when I beg you to stop because I can’t take it anymore, I want you to pin my hands to the desk and thrust three fingers into me and fuck me ‘till I scream again because I have never been more turned on in my life than I am right now, Sam.”

The low voice and the breath caressed Sam’s ear like a silk scarf, keeping her still, eager to hear more.

“Nobody has ever risked everything for me, nobody has stood up for me to the people who literally control their fate, their employment, their life to a certain degree, and knowing they might be throwing it all away, gave some assholes a piece of their mind. For me. And for the school. For the truth and for what’s right. You’re unbelievable, Sam. Do you know how wet you made me standing there saying all that?”

Sam shook her head again, still uncomprehending, but the movement finally brought her skin in contact with Magdalene’s, and the animal inside her snapped the veneer of a leash, and she turned her head further, forgetting entirely where they were and captured those sly seductive lips in a deep, ravenous kiss.

Everything suddenly came crashing down on her, the anxiety of the day, the way Magdalene had looked on the podium, the stand she herself had taken in this very office, her coming out. The risk, the reward, and the energy all of that had stirred up, drove her to grab and grasp and tug at Magdalene until she had her against the wall, in full make-out mode, lips gliding, teeth nipping, and Magdalene making delicious little whimpers in between drawing ragged breaths. As she moved her mouth to lick at the exposed neck, the sound coming from Magdalene only grew louder, as she was leaning back, her head thrown in utter glorious abandon.

A quick knock on the door made them both jump about a foot in the air and then away from each other so quickly, Sam almost lost her footing. She hoped that whatever was left of Magdalene’s lipstick wasn’t smudged all over her face and lifted an unsteady hand to wipe her mouth.

Magdalene fared a bit better as she reached deep within herself for her cool and detached face, despite her dress not being quite set to rights. Still, when the door opened without her having to call ‘come’, her rigid shoulders went lax. George appeared like a whirlwind, arms full of papers and files. Any hope that Sam might have had that George would perhaps misunderstand what she had nearly walked in on was quickly discarded as she took one look at the secretary’s face. It turned pale and then, in a blink of an eye, beet red. George opened her mouth to say something, then seemed to reconsider and could not quite raise her eyes to either Sam or Magdalene. The latter, however, visibly relaxed, her posture languid as she took a couple of steps back towards Sam and took her hand. Now Sam was the one left shell-shocked by the overt display of affection.

“You’re adorable. Don’t worry about George, we can trust her. She’s been with me for the last twenty years, she’s by far the person who knows me best and knows all my darkest secrets.”

George, noticeably recovered by then, giggled and preened at the praise.

“Oh yeah, Maggie and I have been through pretty much everything together, haven’t we Maggie?”

The nickname grated, as it always did. Sam knew the women were close, but the sheer ease with which George made free with it disturbed Sam for some reason. Still, Magdalene did not object and Sam chose to keep her mouth shut for once. George left the paperwork on the pristine desk and departed with a long look and a wink directed at her friend, and when the door closed Sam squeezed the hand still holding hers and tugged gently until Magdalene was fully in her arms again. But her lover simply pecked her on the nose in an adorable gesture before stepping out of the embrace.

“You make me a little crazy, Sam.”

“Just a little?” Sam already felt bereft without Magdalene in her immediate proximity. But the bicolored eyes still looked at her with the same affection and pride, and Sam was pacified somewhat.

“Are you okay though, Sam? The coming out was impressive, but were you really ready for it?” Magdalene’s concern warmed Sam’s heart.

“I didn’t think I was, until it was out in the open, so to speak. And then I realized that I have no idea why I’ve been hiding. Look at Lily, at Amanda, at the girls, they are all so brave, so true to who they are. They live their lives free of closet doors. Joel’s asinine accusations and his continuous attempts at trying to get rid of the LGBTQIA students might have spurred me on, but I think I’ve been ready for a long time. And I’m fine with this. It’s a little scary, but it’s also freeing in a way that I did not expect it to be.”

“I’m proud of you, darling and I’m sorry. I really am.” At Sam’s blank look, Magdalene elaborated. “Our reasons for maintaining this secret and for actually staying away from each other are still very much valid, Sam. Thank goodness that was just George, but what if it had been one of the trustees?”

“You mean Timothy?” The jealousy spiked like acid and burned deep, despite the fact that Sam knew she was being ridiculous.

“I wouldn’t have cared if it was Timothy. He’s the least of our worries and perhaps our only ally on that godforsaken board. Although I have to say Alden is completely taken with you, darling.”

Sam snorted.

“Yeah, right. I don’t know what’s up with him lately, but he’s been nice to me, which is something he’s never been all my life, so that’s weird.”

“Indeed. But I mean it. Give me some time. I’m looking into our options. The charter is fairly clear on the headmistress not being allowed to have any personal relationships with her staff.”

“That’s probably no longer valid under the current legislation, Magdalene.”

“Sam,” Magdalene whispered, and her voice held that pleading note that appeared so seldom that Sam knew she’d give her everything and anything she wanted, even if that meant space and time apart. Even if it would hurt like hell. “Sam, you’ve seen the vultures circling. They will use anything against me now. You’d think at least Orla would be pacified by my plans, but she seems to hate me even more than before fordesecratingher precious school and allowing thedirty localson the premises.”

Sam tugged on her hand again and Magdalene went reluctantly. But still, her arms came around Sam with no reservations once they were face to face. They kissed and kissed again, soft, easy kisses that were more promises than reality. Their foreheads touching, Sam closed her eyes and nodded, and she could feel Magdalene exhaling, the sigh of relief palpable against her mouth. She could do this. She could wait. She would support this woman and her plans to save Sam’s home. Shewoulddo this. They would do this together.


Of Unexpected Threats & Chalk Hearts

Despite knowing that avoiding Orla was no longer an option, Sam still believed she had more time to confront her mentor. However, when she stepped out of Magdalene’s office, still dazed and so in love her heart felt punch drunk, she ran into a scene that made her sober up in an instant.

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