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Mrs. Hearst took Caitey’s hand in hers, a look of motherly kindness in her eyes. “We’ll get you settled into your room so you can take a break from all of us and unpack before dinner.”

A woman in her late 40s appeared from another door on the opposite side of the drawing room.

“There you are, Maggie,” Mrs. Hearst said. “Please show Caitey to her room and help her with anything she needs.”

“Yes, ma’am, my pleasure.”

Caitey blinked her eyes at being waited on. She was used to carrying her own luggage, but Maggie, the housekeeper, was a whirlwind of energy and efficiency. Her salt-and-pepper hair was pulled back into a neat bun, and out of nowhere, she had Caitey’s suitcase and handbag in hand to lead her up the first set of beautiful circular staircases.

“Wait for me,” Jenna called before hurrying right behind Caitey. She took Caitey’s hand in hers and squeezed it.

“We’ll let the men bring it all in, and after dinner, we’ll go through the wedding things you brought and decide where the decorations will look best.”

“Sounds great,” Caitey said, following Maggie up the curving stairs and then down a hallway where there appeared to be bedrooms, bathrooms, and a lovely open sitting room with cozy, feminine furniture. She leaned in to Jenna. “Where is your room?”

“I’m right next to you, so no worries. You won’t be alone. It’s all kind of overwhelming, huh? But when Logan brought me here last year, I fell in love with the place and his parents, and I thought it would be the perfect place to get married. Cozy to be married at home, but infinitely more beautiful than a rented hall or outdoor venue in case of severe weather.”

“But aren’t you getting married outside?”

“We are,” Jenna said in a sing-song voice. “The flower gardens are still blooming so lovely, and yet, I always wanted a fall wedding when the leaves were turning yellow, gold, and red. I got both. As I mentioned earlier, the dancing will be inside the drawing room. That’s where most of the decorating will happen.”

“We can decorate the chairs and the arbor in the backyard, though. I brought all that with me.”

Jenna clapped her hands in delight. “I can’t wait to see how it all looks.”

Maggie stopped at one of the white-painted beveled doors and opened it with a key taken from a jangling set of keys. It reminded Caitey of Mrs. Hughes in theDownton Abbeyseries, with her large metal ring heavy from all the keys to the manor house attached at her waist.

“Miss Caitey, please,” she said, extending a hand. “After you, ladies.”

Caitey smiled at Jenna as they walked inside a bedroom suite obviously meant for a woman. Mauves and pinks with dark wood accents in a large rectangular room with ten-foot ceilings. A broad picture window overlooked the gardens and rear grounds.

A four-poster bed with a thick comforter and tons of piled pillows sat in the center on plush carpet.

A sitting area, a desk for writing, and an ensuite bathroom through a separate doorway, complete with a shower, a separate tub with jets, and a long vanity for all her personal stuff.

“Wow, Jenna, Mrs., um, Maggie . . . this is gorgeous.”

“Just Maggie, my dear,” the housekeeper said. “Let me show you how all the faucets work so you don’t get snagged while showering or dressing later this evening or in the morning. Nothing more frustrating than going to a hotel and being unable to figure out how the handles work, right?”

“So true,” Caitey said weakly, following her into the large white bathroom with gold faucets, cozyrugs, and a double sink.

Everything was fresh and clean, and the suite was immaculate.

“I do the bedroom suites myself,” Maggie bragged. “The housekeeper service that comes in weekly does the main house, but I care for the bedrooms myself to ensure they’re done right. Especially for the lady folk.”

“Oh my, there are fresh flowers on the bureau and on the small table in the sitting corner,” Caitey said. “You think of everything.”

“All it takes is a list and a keen eye,” Maggie said, her smile growing into a wide grin. She smoothed her hands along the sides of her work dress. “I love checking off my lists. Doesn’t everybody?”

Caitey laughed. “Me, too. That’s what I’ll be doing later. Checking all my wedding lists and making sure I brought everything with me—even though I checked at home before I drove up here. Even so, I worry every time that I’ve forgotten something.”

“Human nature, my dear,” Maggie chuckled. “Totally normal.”

“Even if you forgot something,” Jenna said, “that just gives us an excuse to go shopping.”

“Are the Hearst’s inviting anyone new that’s not on my list of expected guests?” Caitey asked.

“Nope,” Jenna said, her eyes going to the ceiling as she thought out loud. “A few neighbors and long-time friends, but only two or three couples. Logan’s parents have a couple of siblings and a few cousins up in the Bay Area. Theyalready sent lovely gifts in case they couldn’t make it.” Jenna said, her eyes sparkling. “But,” she added, “I don’t think they’re inviting business associates since we decided to go smaller and more intimate. But everyone who is coming to the ceremony will stay for the reception dinner.”

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