Page 158 of Crave

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And run right into a wide chest.

Holy shit.

“Careful,” whispers Ben, grabbing me by the shoulders to keep me from falling backwards.

I catch a glance at Sven standing behind him.


“Let’s go.” I cut in front of them and lead them further into the west end.

Hopefully, the fun starts very soon.

We find a dark corner to huddle in and wait again.

Every second that goes by is another chance to be caught. I think I’d rather die fighting at this point than be trapped for another minute.

A low rumble is the first clue that something is happening.

Another, this one is louder.

Sirens begin to scream through the stone halls and I can hear the guards scrambling and calling to each other.

Whatever is going to happen, better happen fast. Too many uniforms running around for comfort.

A man in full riot gear steps past, then stops and backs up.


He raises his visor, revealing a black balaclava.

“Alexei? Thought you’d be alone.” Mikhail’s voice comes through the heavy helmet.

“You made it! Yes! Let’s go! They’re coming with me.” I grab Sven’s elbow and tug him to follow.

Mikhail looks at one towering brother, then the other.

With a deep breath, he nods, and motions us to follow him.

Creeping along the concrete walls, the alarms reverberate from every direction and make my ears hurt.

Mikhail gestures towards a single steel door and leads us through. Keeping our heads down, I can still see the orange plumes of fire from the far end of the prison building.

“They blew it up!” Ben exclaims as we run.

Dodging spotlights, Mikhail veers around a section of wall to reveal a cut fence folded open, barely big enough for him to fit through.

I slide to the other side easily enough, but I can hear low curses from the brothers as they force their way between the jagged edges of wire.

“Hurry!” Mikhail yells as he jumps into the open door of a waiting plane. The propeller starts to move and we all climb in through the side.

“We’re running heavy, hold on tight!” he yells at us from the front.

“Here.” I start handing out parachutes. I feel safer with one on, better than a seatbelt.

The heavy engine of the Kodiak rumbles into high gear when he begins the fast taxi down the short clearing. It whines as he pushes the throttle to the limit.

I think I can almost touch the trees as the aircraft lugs into the dark sky.

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