Page 24 of Danger

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“I just want to be with you, Danger. I don’t care where we live. If you want to stay here, we’ll do that,” he offered.

“Please say that you’ll come back to Huntsville with us,” Lilliana begged. She stood in the corner of the room next to Anthony. “I was just talking to Anthony and we both agree that it would be safer for him to stay here, but he will need to be allowed to get out some.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Danger insisted. She knew that her little brother had a knack for finding trouble. Left alone, anything could go wrong, and she’d never forgive herself if that happened.

“You’ll have to let me go at some point, Bernadette. I’ll stay in touch with you every day and I promise to behave myself,” Anthony promised.

“You’ll be careful?” she asked.

“I will be,” he assured.

“I’d feel better if you let me post someone from MI6 to keep an eye on you, Anthony,” she said.

“I can’t stop you from doing so, but I don’t need a babysitter,” he insisted.

“Fine, I agree to let you stay here, and I’ll reserve judgment until I know that I can trust you, Anthony,” Danger said. Her brother walked across the room and pulled her into his arms for a hug.

“Thanks sis,” he whispered.

“What do you say, Danger?” Lil asked, “Do you want to come home with us?” She looked back over her shoulder at Declan and immediately knew her answer.

“I’d love to,” Danger said. Lil squealed and ran across the room pulling Danger from Anthony and into her arms. She couldn’t seem to stop jumping around with joy and her happiness was infectious.

“Okay, sis,” Declan said, separating Danger from Lil. “You’re going to break her before I get a chance to ask her to marry me.” Danger felt as though her world stopped spinning and time stood still. She looked into his dark eyes as tears welled up in her own and she nodded her answer. Declan picked her up and spun her around as Lil squealed around them.

“I’ll marry you,” she whispered as he sealed his mouth over hers. When he finally let her up for air, she knew that she was the luckiest woman on the planet.

“Okay, put her down, Declan. I have something to ask Danger too,” Lil insisted.

“You better not be asking my fiancée to marry you, sis,” Declan growled.

Lil giggled and shook her head at her brother. “No, but I do want to ask you to be a member of the Royal Harlots, Danger. We need a Sergeant-at-Arms and you’d fit the bill as a former MI6 agent.”

“You want me to be a part of your club?” Danger asked.

“Um, do you know how to ride a motorcycle?” Declan asked.

“I had to learn while I was at MI6. I went undercover as the girlfriend of a biker. It was sink or swim and I taught myself quickly how to ride. Is that a prerequisite for being a part of your club?” she asked.

“Well, if you want to go riding with the rest of us, yes. Do you have a bike?” Lil asked.

“No,” Danger admitted.

“We’ll get you one,” Declan said. “It will be my wedding present to you.”

“So, how about it? Are you ready to go home? Joe and I have missed you,” Declan said.

“I am,” she agreed, “I’ve missed you both too. Let’s go home.” She didn’t know when or how Huntsville, Alabama had come to feel like home, but it had. Danger had a feeling that had less to do with the place and more to do with Declan and his family and friends living there. Declan was her home and now, he was going to be her whole life, and she couldn’t wait to spend hers with Declan James.

Two months later

Danger couldn’t wait for her brother and mother’s plane to get in. Declan had left an hour ago to pick them up at the airport, and he promised to text her when he had them both in his car. It was finally safe for Anthony to come for a visit to Huntsville, and she couldn’t wait to see him and her mum again—it had been too long.

The Dead Rabbits had abandoned their post in Alabama. Her contact at MI6 confirmed what Savage had already told her—they had left the state, and she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Anthony was going to stay for a few weeks, just long enough to be her best man at her wedding. She couldn’t think of anyone besides Anthony to stand next to her when she married the love of her life. Declan had agreed to wait for Anthony to be able to travel, and that made her love him even more.

Her mum wasn’t much for traveling and Danger promised to book her a flight back home just as soon as the wedding was over. Her mother seemed fine with that, but a part of Danger longed for her mother to want to stay a bit longer. They had a lot of catching up to do. They would just have to squeeze as much family time in as possible before her mother went back home to London.

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