Page 137 of Crave

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“Hey, buddy? I’ll give you ten thousand Ruble if you let us stop at the top for a while?” I whisper to the short operator.

His squinty eyes narrow. “Prove it.”

“Five thousand now.” I slap the money into his palm and watch a smile pull up his pimply cheek.

“Deal.” He grins, stuffing the cash into his shirt pocket.

“Shit,” Kirill mutters.

He moves where I push him, folding himself into the metal seat. “What do you want?” He tries to hold himself as far away from me as possible.

“To eat dessert. And go for a ride.” I gesture at the massive machine we’re sitting in. “Enjoy yourself. You’ve earned this.”

“Who was the stuffed bug for?” I ask as I push another bite into my mouth.

“My daughter, you fuck,” he growls, just as the ride begins to move.

We rock in rhythm to the jerky movements of the archaic motor.

“Isn’t this beautiful?” I spill crumbs on my shirt as we slowly climb into the sky. The last of the evening sun glistens over the treetops, catching the frost already spreading over their branches. “You know what I’d rather be doing?” I reach my arm around his shoulders, snugging him against me.

He shakes his head.

“I’d rather be holding my girl and kissing her unscarred cheek.” I press the nail of my finger into the matching spot on hisface. “Don’t get me wrong, I love her with all of the things that make her unique. But you see, she didn’t have a very good time when you did that to her.”

She nearly died. I would have too, without her.

Kirill just grunts.

“Oh, you don’t have anything nice to say about that? How about my best friend’s wife, the one you sliced and diced her brother apart? Remember? Do you?” I pull back the firing pin on my gun, making sure he hears it.

His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard. “Of course.”

“You deserve much worse,” I say quietly and pull out another cookie. “I don’t even want to share these with you. That’s how shitty you are.” I let the sugar melt over my tongue as our swinging seat reaches the top.

“You’d have done nothing different in my position.” He stares out over the forest, clasping his hands on his lap.

“Wrong. I tie up loose ends. That’s where you messed up. You let me hold her when she cried, and let the fury of hell soak into my shirt with her tears.” I dig my fingers into the back of his neck and lean in until my lips almost brush his ear. “So now you have a choice. Sit here like a dog and take a bullet to the face, or take a leap of faith that you’ll live with only a broken leg.”

Before he makes a sound, he pushes himself up into the chair and steps off the edge.

But as his foot clears the lip, I grab his ankle, twisting him in his fall so his head plummets towards the earth first.

The scream echoes through the park making people look.

His blue coat billows around him while his arms churn trying to right himself.

I’ve jumped out of a lot of planes, and fallen a million miles.

That won’t work.

There’s a dull thud when he lands, followed by more shrieks of terror from the crowd.

People splinter off in every direction from him, and I take the chance and climb out of the seat too.

Gripping the steel bar, I let myself slide down until I land on the giant sprocket in the center of the great wheel, then shimmy onto a horizontal one.

It’s only a short drop to the next, and within seconds I’m hopping down onto the platform at the bottom.

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