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“Why don’t you come here, and we can be miserable together. I’m not going to bite. At least, not yet. We might wait until marriage for that.”

He says it like a joke, but I know it’s not. The moment he can sink his teeth into me, he will, and I’ll be helpless to escape him. He’s like a great white shark, and I’m just a little fish in an ocean that’s far too big for her.

I find bravery somewhere deep inside me, and slip beneath the silk sheets, the fabric cool and smooth against my bare skin. My body betrays me, a surge of arousal coursing through me despite the fear and anger simmering beneath the surface. I can hear Viktor moving on the other side of the bed, and my mind races with conflicting thoughts.

The bed dips slightly as he joins me, and I hold my breath, my body tense. The warmth of his skin radiates through the sheets, and I fight the urge to move closer, to seek comfort in the heat of his body.

I told myself I wouldn’t, and I’m holding myself to that promise. I can’t give in on the first day.

Nor can I give in on the second. Or the third. Or ever.

“Goodnight, Sage,” Viktor mumbles, his voice low as he turns over to his side.

“Night,” I whisper back, my voice barely even a whisper. I can’t tell him to have a good night. I’d much rather him die in his sleep so I can be done with this disaster.

I don’t have the guts to kill him myself, at least not tonight. I just lie here in the dark, my senses heightened, every atom in my body vibrating so hard that it feels like I’m buzzing.

Sleep comes slowly, but it does come. I’m exhausted from the adrenaline, unwilling to force myself to stay up longer than I need to. Once I hear the sound of Viktor’s breathing slow, and I’m certain he’s asleep, I allow myself to join him.



Iwake up quickly, the events of the previous night flooding back into my mind like a bad dream. I turn over, expecting to see Viktor beside me, but the bed is empty. The sheets are cool where his body once lay.

The morning light filters through the heavy drapes, casting a soft glow across the room. It’s nothing like a nightmare in here anymore. It’s like I’ve woken up in a five-star luxury hotel.

I sit up, pulling the sheets up to my bare breasts as I look around the room. The sense of dread from the night before lingers, but there’s also a strange, unsettling calm.

Viktor isn’t here. I can’t even smell his cologne.

I wonder why he would leave me here alone, but I don’t dwell on it. I take the opportunity to get out of bed and search for my clothes. I’d rather not still be in the nude when he inevitably returns.

I’m pretty sure he kept his hands off me last night, but I feel like that won’t last. He’s a hungry beast, and I must look like a delicious snack to him. Why else would he have chosen me as his new wife?

It makes me wonder how many other women have experienced this before me. How many innocent women have been dragged into his den with the promise of marriage, only to be cast aside when he finds his next victim?

I can’t be the first. This feels too easy for him, too casual. He walked into my house like he owned it, and took me like it was nothing to him. He’s psychotic, and being physically attractive doesn’t make up for it. Not even close.

As I scan the floor, my heart beating fast and my thoughts racing again, I realize that the clothes I left aren’t there anymore. Not only that, but I hear footsteps coming down the hallway.

I jump back, grabbing the sheets off the bed and wrapping myself in the slippery silk. I hold my breath as the footsteps stop in front of the door for a moment, and then there’s a light knock.

Before I can answer, the door opens, and I’m surprised to see a woman step inside. She’s dressed in a loose blue dress and is carrying a tray with a stack of clothes on one side and an arrangement of breakfast food on the other.

Her expression is polite but distant as she floats across the room and sets the tray down on the bedside table. “Good morning, Miss Sage,” she says, her voice smooth and professional. “Mr. Viktor asked me to bring you breakfast and some fresh clothes. He had to leave early for a meeting, but he’ll be back soon.”

“Oh,” I reply, not knowing what else to say. “Well, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she replies with a smile that screams customer service. I doubt it’s genuine. “Is there anything else I can get for you?”

“Yes, actually,” I say, still rooted to the same spot in the middle of the room. I lift my chin up, trying to sound confident. “I’m being held prisoner, and I’d like you to call the police.”

She stares at me for a moment, her expression unreadable, and then she smiles again. “You have a delightful sense of humor, Miss Sage. I will let Mr. Viktor know that you’re waiting for him when he comes home.”

With those words, she turns around and leaves the room. I hear a loud click of the door being locked, and then her light footsteps back down the hallway.

I curse under my breath. She almost seemed normal, but now I’m certain she’s in on this with Viktor. Nobody is going to take my side and believe that I’m a victim, and if they do, they’ll simply not care.

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