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“Thank you,” I say, my voice steadier than it’s been in weeks. “This means more than you know.”

Ivan and Pasha stand, preparing to leave. Ivan looks at me, a rare hint of a smile on his face. “It’s all over. Back to business as usual.”

I smile. “Right. Business as usual.”

Sage walks into the room, her eyes darting between everyone. “Is everything okay?”

I nod, a bigger smile breaking out across my face. “Everything’s great, darling. Alex acted alone. Everything is finished. This case is officially closed.”

She comes to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “I’m glad. Now we can finally move on.”

“Yes,” I agree, holding her close. “We can.”

With the sun setting outside, I know that this is a new beginning. One where I can be the husband and father my family deserves, free from the shadows of the past. As the last of the daylight fades, I take Sage’s hand, ready to step into our future together.



Ithought it was all over when Viktor killed Alex in our house that fateful summer day, but it wasn’t. Not that any real danger followed such a brutal afternoon, but I had this notion that life would somehow be much easier.

So far, it’s not.

I mean, the first two months afterward were fine, aside from a little morning sickness and the occasional cravings at three in the morning. Viktor and I were still getting closer, and the baby was healthy and growing normally.

But now, things have changed. Drastically.

The first indication that something was wrong came the day we were supposed to go for an afternoon walk and I was literally too sick to leave the bathroom. We both thought it might be food poisoning, so Viktor threw everything in the kitchen away and had a team come in and scrub it top to bottom.

It was excessive, but that’s how protective Viktor is.

The second clue is when the nausea doesn’t go away after a couple of days. In fact, it gets worse. I can’t keep anything down, not even the blandest of foods. Viktor, concerned that it’s something more serious related to the baby, insists we go to the doctor immediately.

Ivan picks us up in a black SUV, driving quickly to the doctor’s office where we’re ushered in without a wait.

The ultrasound technician, a woman with a soft smile, moves the wand over my swollen belly. Viktor holds my hand, his grip firm and reassuring. I can see the worry in his face, but he’s trying to stay calm for me.

The technician’s expression shifts from professional neutrality to surprise. “Well, that explains it,” she says, turning the screen towards us. “You’re not just pregnant. You’re going to have twins.”

For a moment, the world stops, and my heart almost does along with it.

Twins. Two babies. My mind as I process the information. Viktor’s grip tightens, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and awe.

“Twins?” he repeats, his voice barely a whisper.

“Yes,” the technician confirms, pointing to the screen. “See? Two heartbeats. Both babies look healthy.”

I turn to Viktor, my emotions a whirlwind of fear and excitement. His eyes meet mine, and in that instant, I see a new determination there. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. “Twice the blessings.”

“Twice the diapers,” I reply with a laugh.

The days that follow are a blur of preparations. Viktor is more attentive than ever, ensuring I have everything I need. He hires a private chef to prepare meals that won’t trigger my nausea and brings in a specialist to monitor my pregnancy closely.

But it’s not just about the physical changes. There is an emotional shift too. Viktor and I grow even closer, our bond deepening with each shared moment of anticipation and planning for the future.

One evening, as we lie in bed, Viktor places his hand on my belly, feeling the gentle movements of our babies. “I never thought I’d be here,” he mumbles, his voice thick with emotion. “But I’m glad I am. I can’t imagine my life without you, Sage. Or our children.”

I smile, placing my hand over his. “Neither can I, Viktor. Neither can I.”

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