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“You are, and because of that, I will allow you to have the last word,” I say, taking a step back. “But if you ever feel uncomfortable, please just let me know.”

She smiles. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I wish I could stay here in the kitchen and experience her softness forever, but there are things that must be done before we can return to our normal life.

I check the revolver in my pocket, the one that was previously used in a rigged game of Russian roulette. This time, every bulletis in place so ensure that no matter where the hammer comes down, Alex’s fate remains the same.

I text Ivan to bring him in, waiting by the door with the gun in my hand. Part of me wants to put a bullet through his head before he can even open his mouth, but I would like to hear what he has to say for himself first. Why dig something up that was settled decades ago?

“Stand back a bit,” I warn Sage as she tries to huddle next to me.

She looks down at the gun. “Are you going to shoot him?”

I don’t answer. I plan on it, but I don’t know when it’s going to happen. I’m acting more on impulse than a plan at this point, allowing things to happen as they were meant to be. I’m not afraid anymore.

I hear a grunt as Ivan pulls the door open, pushing Alex inside. He’s wrapped in rope, with only enough wiggle room to move his feet and keep from falling over. His arms are bound to his sides and he appears to be wearing the same blue suit as in the surveillance video.

“Hello Alex,” I say with a grim smile. “You look a little disheveled. I hope my men weren’t too rough with you.”

Alex’s eyes grow big when he realizes who’s house he’s been brought to. He doesn’t look like he expected to be captured and brought to justice for what he did. He’s surprised, and that means he really doesn’t have some kind of grand plan like I had previously suspected.

“I have no clue what’s going on, but I can promise you I have nothing to do with anything,” Alex says, and his Russian accentonly confirms what we already know. He’s our guy, even if he’s unwilling to admit it.

“Alex Levin,” I say, slamming my hand down hard on his shoulder. “Why don’t you sit down so we can talk this over like civilized people?”

He looks around for a seat, but I shove him down to the marble floor. He falls hard, nearly hitting his head and ending it all in an instant. I wouldn’t be disappointed, really, but I would like to ask him a few questions before he goes.

“Let’s get down to it, shall we?” I look over to Ivan and nod. “Thank you. I will have you pick up the body when I’m done. You may leave.”

Ivan slips back out the door without a word, leaving me alone with Sage and Alex.

“Who told you about the wedding?” I ask Alex as I stand over him. He’s curled up on the floor, breathing hard but still fully conscious.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I swear!”

“I’ve heard that before,” I mutter, prodding him with my foot. “But please don’t make this more painful than it need to be. I already know who you are and what your motives are, Alex Levin, so come clean or this is going to be a very short visit.”

Alex looks up at me, his eyes glinting with anger. “I’d rather die than be stuck here in your stupid mansion, Viktor. A man like you doesn’t deserve this kind of luxury after what he did.”

“And what did I do?” I ask, cocking my head to the side. “What brought you here.”

“You killed my father,” he snarls.

I squat down in front of him, lowering my voice so that Sage can’t hear what I’m about to say. “Your father killed my entire family. The only tragedy in his death was that he was able to have a son before I caught up with him. I’m going to fix that, though, unless you tell me who leaked the location of my wedding.”

“Nobody did,” he replies with a bitter laugh. “You’re an idiot, and my father never did what you claim. He was a good man.”

I sigh, standing up and pointing the gun at his head. “I want a better answer.”

“Go ahead and shoot me, coward.”

I pull the trigger on him immediately, and Sage screams in surprised. Even I didn’t expect such a short conversation, but I’m tired of his games already. I don’t have to tolerate people I don’t like just so that I can get information out of them.

In this case, it’s entirely possible that Alex was telling the truth. He could’ve been stalking me for a while to figure out the wedding plans. It would be a good idea to check the surveillance tapes at the casinos, the house, and pretty much every other location I’ve been to so that we can double check this theory. If Alex shows up anywhere, I’m going to assume he got the information on his own.

But it was all in vain, of course. He came to the United States to get revenge, probably bought a ticket with all the money he had made in Russia, and tracked me down to try to ruin my life.

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