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It doesn’t feel real. I realize I’ve never even been to a marriage before. I had Ivan set everything up because I have no clue where to begin.

Suddenly, the panic sets in. Should I even be doing this? I was so certain a moment ago, so set in my ways that I didn’t even think to prepare for it. What if Sage hates me forever? What if she’s not even able to have my children? What if I’m infertile?

The thoughts comes faster than I can get rid of them, making my head spin as I step up on the altar and place my hand on one of the security guards. I lean in, trying to steady my voice as I speak to him. “Is everything good?” I ask. It feels like I’m asking myself more than him.

“Everything is ass it should be. Guest 1-3-6-2 is drunk, but he will be escorted out if he causes a scene. We have someone on him already.”

I frown. Did Ivan manage to find over a thousand people to invite to my wedding? Sure, the venue can accommodate them, but I hardly want that many eyes on me at once. I’m an introvert, as much as I try not to be.

Ivan, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be one, which is odd, considering how little he speaks.

I shift my weight to the other foot, scanning the expectant faces in the crowd as the tension in the room grows. Something is going to happen, but it’ll be another five minutes before the ceremony actually starts.

As I take my place at the altar, I can’t help but glance towards the door, waiting for Sage to appear. The anticipation is almost unbearable, each second stretching out into an eternity. I know we still have more time to wait, but I feel like she’s going to come through any second.

My heart beats so hard that it eclipses the noise of the string quartet. I don’t even know what they’re playing anymore. All I know is that I’m about to see Sage, and she’s going to stun me with her beauty like she always does.

How will she look in a wedding dress? Will she be smiling? Will she glare at me, hating every second of this until it’s over?

Finally, the doors open, and she steps in, looking radiant in a flowing white gown. Her eyes meet mine, and for a moment, everything else fades away. It’s just the two of us, standing on the edge of something neither of us fully understands.

The music changes, and all heads turn to her. She’s the center of attention, the star of the show. I’m so used to be that person, the one everyone looks to when things get intense, but she’s taken it from me. She’s the most special one, even if she doesn’t realize it.

She walks down the aisle slowly, her movements graceful yet hesitant. Each step she takes brings her closer to me, to our future together. I can see the conflict in her eyes, the mixture of awe and determination, and it only makes me more certain of my decision.

When she finally reaches me, I take her hand, feeling the tremor in her fingers. The officiant begins to speak, but his words are a blur. All I can focus on is Sage, standing before me, a symbol of everything I’ve fought for and everything I still have to conquer.

As the ceremony progresses, I can see the tension slowly leaving her body. Her hand in mine becomes steadier, her gaze more intense when she looks in my eyes. Her expression is subtle, but I see that there’s a smile starting to form on her lips.

When it’s time for the vows, I don’t have any prepared. I was a fool not to at least come up with some small thing to say, so I’m forced to speak my heart on the spot.

I clear my throat, looking down at her glowing eyes. She has her makeup done in such a beautiful way that it doesn’t take away from her natural beauty. It’s accents it, lifting it up to new heights.

I feel myself fall for her, and I question whether this could be love.

Infatuation? Certainly, but there’s something else there, those butterflies again that I can’t get rid of. I hate it. I want to punish her for it, to bend her over and spank her in front of everyone. I want to embarrass her and ruin the moment, but that’s just the self-sabotaging boy in me throwing a tantrum.

The one who felt weak as he watched his family get slaughtered in front of him. The boy who only knew strength through brutal violence.

I wouldn’t wish that kind of violence on poor, innocent Sage. Maybe her father deserves it for betraying his daughter, but that’s all to my advantage. Other people’s weakness becomes my strength, and there’s plenty of that in the world right now.

Enough to become filthy rich and claim the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

“Sage,” I begin after an awkward silence. Everyone in the crowd seems to be holding their breath, and even the music has stopped. I have to come up with something good, but all I can do is speak from my heart.

I didn’t even know I had one until I met Sage.

“You are… an incredible woman,” I begin, taking her hands in mine and squeezing them lightly.

She smiles, and it seems genuine.

“I never thought I’d be here today, but now that I am, I know it’s the right thing,” I say. “Just… looking at you makes me feel like a new man. I know that our future together is going to be something incredible.”

My words feel lame, but Sage’s smile widens. Either she’s enjoying the fact that I’m nervous, or she actually likes what I have to say.

I decide to have a little fun with my vows, switching them up to keep her from thinking I’m taking thistooseriously. “I remember when we first met. It was the epitome of romance.”

She gives me a look like she wants to roll her eyes, but the smile is still on her pretty mouth.

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