Page 36 of Endless

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His focus goes to the two figures standing behind us as he shifts back into his true form to address them. I move from my kneeling position to stand next to him. I'm not sure why they are here or what this means for our future, but I know he will protect me.

"Angel, demon, sorry if you saw anything inappropriate. Me and my girl were just... reuniting." He snickers as the angel rolls their eyes.

The demon actually laughs at his prodding toward the angel, and I let my body relax a little with their playful banter. Surely, if they were here with bad news, they wouldn't be joking around—at least, I hope not.

"We don't intend to stay here long, reaper. We just came to settle things with your human soul," the demon says.

My body tenses, and I look up at Kellan. He senses my worry, and his shadows pull me into an embrace as the conversation continues.

The angel looks over at me, demanding my attention. "You have completed your purpose. If you were any other soul, you would be leaving this realm with me. I take it that it is not something you are interested in doing?"

"No," I state. There's no sense in sugar-coating it. I won't be leaving with anyone besides Kellan.

"Very well. You have been given the option to stay in this realm with the reaper if you’d like. This choice cannot be undone. You will be Death’s responsibility for all of eternity."

Death’s responsibility. Like that's something he has to be burdened with. I look over to the source of everything I love and find him staring down at me with nothing less than pure admiration.

"Are you sure you want me forever?" I ask, giving myself one last moment of doubt.

He leans in and wraps his shadowy tendril around my throat to pull me closer to him. "If you doubt my feelings for you, pet, I may have to punish you for it."

Fuck me. Everything inside me melts, and I glance up at him adoringly. "Do you promise?" I grin, not knowing what's gotten into me. I just can't get enough of him.

I look back over to the angel and demon. "I'm staying withKellan."

"There is one more thing you need to know. You will no longer be a human soul should you stay here. As you know, human souls are not meant to be in this realm permanently. Your essence will be transformed into a being similar to the reaper, a shadow being with the magic to appear in either shadow or human form. You will become an assistant to Death, his companion. As he is responsible for you, you will be responsible for aiding him with the reaping of human souls."

My brow furrows. I'll be a shadow being, too? I didn't anticipate that, but I suppose it's better than never seeing him again. Will he still want me when I'm more like him?

"You're okay with all of this?" I ask him.

"Lena, this choice is yours and yours alone. I never want to live a day without you. I've told you this already. I love you more than anything."

"I love you too," I tell him, shifting my attention back over to the two intruders in our realm. "I'm staying."

They nod, and the demon steps forward to snap his fingers. My body lifts into the air, and tingles overtake me. It's a weird sensation. I feel cold and nothing at the same time. My human emotions are still there, but the overwhelming feeling of despair and worthlessness that I've always felt when I'm not around Kellan is gone. I'm becoming the version of myself that I was always meant to be.

Magic continues to work through my body until, finally, it stops. I float just above the soil in the graveyard, my body billowing around me. I pull my thoughts together and bring my shadowyform to a shape that resembles a hand and hold it in front of my face. Oh my fuck, I'm a reaper. I look over to Kellan again, and he eyes me intently.

"Do you still want me like this?"

"I’ll always want you," he says before leaning in to place a chaste kiss on my, um, I guess my face. I don't really know. I'm still trying to get this shadowy blob under control.

I take a breath and center my thoughts. Finally, my body transforms back into my human form, and my feet are planted on the ground. I look down at my clothes and see the outfit that I was thinking about covering my body. Never having to buy clothes will be a nice perk.

The angel and demon exchange a look between the two of them and then back over to Kellan and me. It seems a bit like they are wondering if I'm going to bail out at the last minute, but I'm all in.

"We are done here then," the angel states, but that's not good enough for me. After everything I went through, they don't get to just show up and then leave without answering any of my questions.

"Wait," I call out, and they both turn to look at me. "What about Carson?"

"I took Carson from this realm after he told you to kill yourself," the demon grins. "He's been having quite a good time where I dropped him off, don't you worry."

"So he's inHell?" I ask

"Something like that," The demon says with an evil smirk, neither confirming nor denying.

I should feel bad Carson is likely going to spend all of eternity being tortured, but I don't give a flying fuck. He deserves it for all the shit that he put me through, for all the humiliation and shame I had to feel because of him. I know now it was all for a reason, but that doesn't make it any easier.

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