Page 140 of A Match Made in Vegas

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I hold up my left hand. Not that she can read my watch from there. It's ten. We stayed at the party for a while and stumbled home, tired and full.

For the first time in a long time, I feel the way people do in pop songs. I'm a part of her family, and she's a part of mine. Not the way we were last week. Not as long-time friends.

As something else.

Something deeper.

She could be my family.

I could have a family. One all mine.

It's not what she wants, I know, but the desire overwhelms me anyway.

Daphne smiles as she plops on the pleather couch. "Always showing off your wealth." She shakes her head in an over-the-top tsk-tsk gesture. "Haven't you heard of stealth wealth?"

"I'm a corporate lawyer," I say.

She nodsexactlyand checks the time on her phone. "It's only ten? It feels like three a.m." She tosses her phone on the couch cushion. She's full too. She's wearing the hazy bliss all over her face.

She rolls onto her back and shoots me a wicked smile.

Hazy bliss and anticipation.

She wants to touch me.

Is it all sexual, or is there a romance there too?

Usually, I'm the first person to say there's intimacy to all sex. There's trust, especially when we play with control.

Right now, I want more than that.

I want to make love to my wife.

Have I ever made love?

Or even said make love without laughing in my mind?

Daphne is not confused about what she wants. She looks at me with conviction. "You owe me." There's need in her voice.

Enough to send blood racing south. My heart cares about closeness. My dick, not so much.

Well, not the same kind.

A teasing tone drops into my voice. It's sexual, yes, but it's more too. I'm playing with her because I like her. Not just because I like fucking her. "I don't remember making any promises."

"Jackson." Her voice rises to a whine. She holds my gaze for a moment, waiting, begging even. Then, something else spreads over her face. Epiphany.

Then rebellion.

She's not taking this lying down.

My dick likes it as much as my heart.

She notices my pace. Decides something about it. Some way she's going to tease me back. "Is that how it is for you?" She risesfrom the couch and takes a step toward the bedroom. "The ends are the means?"

"I tease because I like to tease." And fuck, how I like to tease her. For every reason. "That's the key to good sex, isn't it? Do what you want, in the moment, because you want it. Not because you expect some future outcome."

"Don't trigger Daphne Webb, sex researcher." She doesn't stumble over her last name for a moment. Married or not, she's a Webb.

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