Page 100 of A Match Made in Vegas

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No question.

Why is he even following my account? I don't use it. I only made it for fun with Cassie. Shit, Cassie.

Right on cue, as if propelled by some sort of younger sister sense, she knocks on the door.

"Jackson," she says. "Seems like we need to talk."

Chapter Twenty-Two


In her black tank top, ripped jeans, Converse sneakers, and thick eyeliner, Cassie looks as stylish and effortless as always.

The expression on her face isn't normal.

She's worried. Not about her work or her boyfriend or our parents or our younger siblings.

About me.

My sister smiles. "Usually, I'm the one asking you for advice." She doesn't rub it in. She could—I offered a lot of unsolicited advice about her current boyfriend (and several exes).

I don't regret it—I was looking out for her—but, for the first time, I get how she must have felt. How much it hurt to hear someone she loves tell her not to be with someone else she loves.

All right, maybe I regret one part.

I don't think I ever kicked her when she was down, but fuck if I did—

"I'm an asshole, I'm sorry," I say.

She nods in agreement. "True. But what is this in reference to?"


"Wait a second." She holds her hand to her ear. "Is Jackson Steele apologizing for misjudging Damon Webb?"

"Not when you say it like that."

She holds up her fingers and presses them together in aso closegesture.

Okay, she's right. I owe her a real apology. "I should have given you more space to make your own mistakes."

"And when he breaks my heart again, you'll show up with tissues and a gun?" she offers.

"Of course. The tissues."

"The gun you'll do on your own?" she offers.

"I wouldn't use a gun, Cass. Where's the craft?"

Her raspberry lips curl into a wide smile. "This might help." She holds up a carry-out container of iced drinks.

I take the iced tea.

She sips her almond milk latte and crosses the room to set the container on the breakfast table.

The room seemed big when we got here, but now it feels small. Like there isn't enough space for everything in my head and my heart.

"It is so like you to have a one-night stand and get married." She settles into the chair at the table.

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