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Chapter One


I leave the bathroom and jog down the stairs, overhearing my brother Jude talking to Dad in the kitchen. Dad decided to ambush us today, asking all of us to meet at his house.

We all know it’s about business because first, he’s making his famous burgers, which he only cooks when he’s trying to get my two brothers and me to agree on something. Second, it’s for sure about business because if our family meeting was about anything other than business, it’d be held up on daisy hill at Mom’s burial plot.

None of us want to be here. Ben groaned because he didn’t want to be away from his soon-to-be bride for longer than a minute. Jude bitched because we all know what this meeting is about, and he’s been delaying it for months.

“You have no choice. I promise you that when the baby comes, you’ll want more time at home. Sadie will need you.” A kitchen chair screeches against the vinyl floor.

“But, Dad?—”

I walk into the kitchen, interrupting them, but neither one bats an eye because my family doesn’t keep many secrets—or can’t keep any secrets, more like it.

“Are we still trying to get Jude to give up the reins?” I grab a water from the fridge and smirk at Jude just to piss him off. It’s an easy task any day, but especially today. You’d think I was some up-and-comer trying to take over his cushy job the way he protects his responsibilities on the ranch like a growling dog anchoring his jaw in his pull toy.

I don’t want his position on the family ranch.

“Hey, did I tell you we’re way past a million views on your baby girl’s gender reveal video?” I flip the chair around and straddle it.

“Sit right, Emmett,” my dad scolds.

What’s up his ass?

“Act like you’re ready,” he adds.

Ding, ding, ding. There’s the reason he’s suddenly giving me hell about how I sit in a chair.

“Should I go put on the suit I wear to funerals? Want to know my strengths and weaknesses? We can have a formal interview if you like.”

Dad inhales deeply through his nose.

Ben walks in the back door like a damn stealth bomber. “How long is this going to take?”

“Shit,” Jude says, jolting back in his chair.

“Just sit down. I’m not sure why I have to bribe you all to have a meeting regarding the ranch.” Dad puts down a plate of burgers in the middle of the table.

He’ll probably never give us the secret to what he puts in the meat, but damn, he makes the best burgers. After Mom died, it was all he made for a long time, but we never grew sick of them, which is a testament to how good they are.

We all reach in, hands smacking hands, hands pushing hands out of the way to score as many as we can.

“Thanks, Dad,” Jude mumbles and moans over his first bite.

“You should quit the ranch and open a burger joint,” I say.

“You’d have a line around the block,” Ben says.

All of us take huge bites as if we haven’t eaten in a week.

“Kind words from some boys who are afraid of why I called them here.” Dad sits back, his burger on his plate, watching us.

He does this every once in a while—watches us. I’ve never asked why, but I think he’s impressed he raised us on his own, for the most part, and we’re not jackasses. Well, most of the time we’re not.

“Eat, Dad.” Ben nudges his arm.

“I will.”

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