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Jude finishes first—which is why he had the nickname garbage disposal when we were younger. He was always the first to the table, no matter the meal, and the first finished. “So, why are we here, other than…”

“Me taking over Jude’s position.” I smile wide and wink at Jude.

He blows out an annoyed breath, his usual reaction to my razzing. “You’re not taking my position.”

“Are you sure about that?” Ben joins in on the fun.

The problem with having three boys is that it’s always two against one.

“You can all fuck off. Dad?” Jude pulls out his phone and looks at the time. “Sadie is expecting me.”

“There’s plenty to take home.” Dad glances toward the Tupperware containers on the counter.

“Another good thing about not having a woman—I get another burger meal for myself.” I smile at the three of them.

“And the use of your hand tonight while Jude and I will be snug inside?—”

“Enough,” Dad says. “Don’t talk like that in front of me. I’m not your buddy at the bar, and the women in your houses are like daughters to me. I don’t want to think or visualize…” He shakes his head. “Just. No.” He gives Ben his look. The one he mastered after Mom died, and he had to raise three hellions on his own.

Ben holds up his hands. “All right.”

“The reason I called you here is because yes, Sadie is getting closer to bringing the first Noughton grandchild into the world?—”

“You’re welcome.” Jude holds out his arms, pointing at himself as if there should be a big J on his chest.

“It should’ve happened years ago,” Ben mumbles, snagging one of the last two burgers.

I reach to grab the last one at the same time as Jude.

“You get the first child, I get the last burger.” I swipe it off the plate before he can. Satisfaction fills my chest. Nothing better than beating my brothers at… well, anything.

“Had enough? You’re the reason this meeting is taking so damn long.” Dad eyes each of us, and we sober as we usually do under his scrutiny. “Like I was saying. It’s almost planting season, so that’s where we start.”

My stomach rolls over, and I almost slide off the chair and go back to the bathroom, but I gave myself a mental pep talk upstairs before coming down here. I can do this, even if I’m sure I already know what their reaction will be.

I put my burger down. “Actually, I was thinking?—”

“Realized what that brain is for, huh?” Ben jokes, and Jude laughs along with him.

I raise my middle finger and run it up and down my nose as if I’m scratching it.

“So, Jude, you’ll teach Emmett everything that needs to happen to get the corn planted, and then we’ll move on to the cattle ranch. You’re still responsible for the horses, Emmett.”

I raise my hand, earning groans from both Ben and Jude.

“It’s not kindergarten,” Dad says. “Speak.”

“I had this idea that maybe we could open a dude ranch.” I spit out my idea before I’m interrupted. I want to make my own mark on this ranch, not be Jude’s gofer my entire life.

“Dude ranch? Like people would come here to work?” Ben laughs and knocks his elbow against Jude’s arm.

“I know it’s not your dream vacation, but we have so much to offer here.” I slide my phone out of my pocket. “On the gender reveal video?—”

“If I hear the words gender reveal video one more time, I’m gonna lose the three burgers I just ate.” Jude swipes his drink off the table and downs half the glass.

I ignore him because he’s always a negative Nancy. “All these people commented asking where the ranch is and if they could come visit.”

“But none of them are saying they want to work?” Ben asks.

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