Page 72 of Covert Mission

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If he still had his detective shield, Seth would confront the truck’s driver and demand answers. If the driver came onto his property or became a threat, he’d confront and detain if possible. Like Teagan, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill to protect those with him. “Rayne, how often is the driver making his rounds?”

“Every five minutes.”

Stupid. Whoever it was should know better than to be so predictable. Although Seth might not have been awake, plenty of his neighbors rose early to prepare for work. One of them would have noticed the oddity eventually and called him.

“He’s working himself up,” Teagan said. “It’s a serious mistake. He should have gone with his plan after the first pass.”

“Gives us a chance to be ready for whatever he throws at us.”

She glanced at her teammate. “Cover the back. The driver probably isn’t acting alone.”

“Copy that.” Rayne went to the kitchen.

Seth’s eyes narrowed as the truck made another slow pass up the street toward his home. This time, though, the driver parked four houses away. “He parked up the street.”

Teagan glanced at her phone. “Iona is circling around to the back to help.”

He debated for a moment, then went with his gut. “Go get our gear, Teagan, and set the bags at the foot of the stairs.”

She sprinted up the stairs and returned a moment later with her Go bag and his duffel. After dropping the bags off with Rayne, she returned to the living room. “Done.” Teagan glanced at her phone screen again and growled.

“What?” Seth kept his attention fixed on the black truck idling up the street.

“This truck is registered to Detective Wilson.”

Of course it was. He sighed, wondering what the odds were of Kepler being inside the truck with his partner or if the two detectives had split up. Depending on their plan of attack, they needed more than a single attacker in each truck. Although he wasn’t invincible, Wilson had better odds of taking him down with a partner. “And the one on Noah’s street?”

“Registered to Kip Chastain.” She glanced at him. “You know him?”

“A detective out of another house. He has a reputation for pushing the line on police brutality. Who’s working with Riley?”

“Curt Jackson.”

“Is he any good?”

“One of the best. Maddox is talking to him about leading a new black ops team. Have a guess for who is partnering with Chastain in that truck?”

“Ned Carter. They grew up together and went to the academy at the same time. They’ve always had each other’s backs.”

“Is he the same kind of a cop as Chastain?”

“Mirror images of each other.”

“Nice to know some of our detectives are thugs with badges.”

The headlights on the suspicious truck turned off. A second later, both doors opened. “Here they come. Where’s Iona?”

“I’m in the kitchen,” she called. “How many people are joining the party?”

Seth kept his attention focused on the figures dressed in black. Two houses away, they split up. “Two. They’re suspended detectives from my department.”

A pause, then, “These are the guys who set up Teagan?”

“The same.”


“Contain and detain only if possible.”

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