Page 17 of Covert Mission

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Kowalski rolled her eyes. “Why doesn’t that surprise me, Detective? We have a fine facility.”

“It’s not you.” Seth grinned. “I hate to say so, but it’s the food.”

“Right. I’m sure your partner would sneak food in for you. Look, I know you think you’re as tough as old shoe leather, but I’m serious about you needing someone with you for the next 24 hours, Seth. Do I have your word you’ll do as I instruct?”

“I’ll be with him,” Teagan said. “He’ll follow your instructions to the letter.”

Kowalski relaxed. “Good. Seth, don’t give your girlfriend any trouble. Hear me?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Teagan, if he gives you grief, bring him back to me. We’ll set our best nurses loose on him.”

“I’ll do that.”

“Good.” The doctor headed for the door. “Your discharge papers will be here soon. The nurse will also bring antibiotics and pain medicine for you to take home. Take your meds, Seth. I don’t want to see you back here for a long time.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Teagan sent her team leader a message and received a response in seconds. Excellent.

“What is it?”

“Our medic is here. She’ll be watching over you and helping with security.”

“You’re staying as well, right?”

“Of course. I promised your doctor I would.” Seeing his expression go blank, Teagan took pity on him. “I wouldn’t leave your safety in the hands of anyone except me and my team, Seth. You matter to me.” She leaned down and brushed his mouth with hers. “I take care of those who matter to me,” she murmured.

“So do I.” His hand curved around her nape again to hold her in place. “I want a proper kiss, Teagan. No,” he corrected. “I’m desperate for a genuine kiss from you.”

“Soon. Let’s make sure your headache is gone first.”

He scowled. “That could take days.”

“You’ve waited for months. What are a few more hours, Detective?”

“The wait might kill me,” he muttered.

His sulkiness made her laugh. Who knew the handsome detective could make her laugh?

Soon, a nurse came in with the discharge papers and the prescriptions the doctor had ordered for Seth. “You’re all set, Detective.”

“Thanks, Daisy.”

The perky nurse smiled and left the exam room.

Teagan picked up Seth’s shirt from a nearby table and grimaced. “You can’t put this back on. It’s covered in blood.” In fact, she suspected the shirt was a lost cause. “Do you want me to find something at the gift shop?”

Seth shook his head. “It’s not cold outside. I’ll be fine until we get home.”

Home. Teagan blinked. She didn’t know what that was aside from the house she’d bought in Ardmore. She’d been a street rat before she joined the Army. No one would mistake an army barracks for home.

Another knock sounded on the door. Violet Trevelyan, her teammate and Artemis medic, walked into the room. “Ready to go, Detective Dixon?”

Seth stared at her. “I guess.”

“I’m Violet, Artemis’ team medic.”

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