Page 125 of Covert Mission

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“You’re usually joined at the hip to the beautiful Teagan. Where is she, Dixon?”

“Checking security on this floor.” He glanced at the woman. “Introduce me to your friend.”

Peters’ hand tightened around the woman’s wrist. “This is Martina.”

Ivan’s wife. Crap. This wasn’t good. Seth held out his hand to her, forcing Peters to release her wrist. “I’m Seth. You’re Ivan’s wife, right? It’s good to meet you. Your husband is trainingwith my team and speaks highly of you, especially your cooking skills.”

She gave a slight smile. “He’s a good man.”

“Yes, ma’am, he is.”

Teagan opened the door to Peters’ office and walked down the hall to stand by Seth’s side. “Mr. Peters,” she murmured.

“What were you doing in my office, Teagan?” His voice was almost a purr.

“This discussion is classified, sir,” Seth interrupted, glancing meaningfully at Martina. “You’re dismissed, Martina. Go to your quarters.”

Relief flooded her face. “Yes, sir.” She spun and raced away from Peters, whose expression resembled a thundercloud.

“I want an answer, Teagan,” Peters snapped. “My office was locked. Why did you invade my privacy? You better have a good reason or you’ll be spending time in the punishment room with me. I can promise you won’t do something like that again. Do you understand me?”

“Crystal, sir.” Teagan pulled a plastic bag from her pocket and held it up for Peters to see the contents. Two cameras and two bugs were inside. “I checked your office for cameras and bugs, as I have the rest of the offices on this floor. This is what I found.”

As Peters stared at the bag, his jaw hardened, then he spouted vicious curses. “Do you know how long this equipment has been in my office?”

“Long enough for the cameras to gather dust.”

Noah and Violet rounded the corner. They passed Peters and flanked Teagan and Seth, presenting a united front.

“Show me where you found these items.” He stalked to his office, threw open the door, and turned on the light. Peters folded his arms and turned to watch Teagan.

She walked to the bookshelf. “One camera was here.” Teagan pointed to a dark corner of a shelf containing books about military history and famous battles. “The second was behind your desk.” She gave Peters a wide berth as she crossed the office and behind the desk to point to a picture of Peters posing with a former president. “The camera was hidden in the picture frame.”

“And the bugs?”

Teagan tapped the back of his black computer monitor. “First one was here. The second one was under the edge of your end table. Whoever was listening to your conversations had the office covered, whether you were at your desk or talking to someone in your sitting area.”

“Do you know the range?” he said between clenched teeth.

“With these types of bugs, up to 900 feet. I can’t tell you who was listening to your conversations. This building is centralized in the compound. Could have been someone in the building or someone close by. The person who planted the bugs might have been recording and listening later.”

He turned to Seth. “Did you order this security sweep in my office?”

“You put us in charge of security, sir. We swept the entire building.” Seth looked at Noah. “What did you find on the first floor?”

“A boatload of cameras and bugs. Someone is keeping tabs on what’s happening inside this building.”

“Did you get remove everything?” Peters demanded.

“Yes, sir.”

Violet held up a large plastic bag filled with electronics.

Peters’ face turned red. “Someone in this compound is a traitor. Find him, Dixon, and take him out.”


“DID YOU GETit?” Seth asked. He hoped she had because he didn’t think they’d have another chance to search Peters’ office. The man was paranoid, especially now that he knew someone was spying on him. If Seth had been a betting man, he’d put his money on Richardson being the guilty party.

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