Page 105 of Covert Mission

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“A few reluctant enforcers, particularly Jerry and his Nordic buddy. They were warned. No second chances.”

“Hope you know what you’re doing, Seth,” Marsh murmured.

So did he.

Marsh and Knight left, leaving Seth and Teagan to stand watch over Peters.

Seth angled himself slightly to keep Peters in his peripheral vision. From his expression, The Brotherhood’s leader was not happy with those taking part in his video conference. Too bad Seth couldn’t see the people on the screen.

“Looks like Peters isn’t receiving the news he expected,” Teagan murmured.

“Wish we had ears in that office.”

“We can make that happen.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.” They should take care of that tonight, but if anyone took the risk, it would be him. He didn’t want Teagan doing anything to make her a target for Richardson and Peters’ wrath. They wanted to make trouble for Seth and his team. He wouldn’t hand Teagan to them on a silver platter to protect himself or anyone else.

Although she hadn’t spoken about her session with the counselor, she’d seemed more settled and determined to see this assignment through. While he appreciated her dedication, he wasn’t sacrificing her safety for the good of the mission. Nothing was worth the risk to her or the rest of his teammates.

Peters remained on his video conference call for another hour before shoving away from the desk and pacing to thewindow to stare outside. He remained motionless aside from his hands clenching and releasing as he fumed.

Definitely not a successful meeting. Didn’t hurt Seth’s feelings one bit.

Minutes later, Richardson rounded the corner and walked toward Seth and Teagan. Without acknowledging them, the co-leader of The Brotherhood pounded on the door with a series of sharp knocks and stepped inside the inner sanctum.

“Both leaders are in terrible moods,” Teagan said dryly.

“Can’t wait to find out what’s going on and capitalize on it,” he murmured.

Seth monitored the two men in the office. Although he couldn’t hear the words spoken, their body language spoke volumes. The discussion between Peters and Richardson was heated.

Uneasiness built in his gut as Richardson slammed his palms on the desk and leaned closer to Peters.

“Heads up.” Seth pivoted and twisted the knob, shoving open the door. He and Teagan stepped inside the office, hands on their weapons.

Richardson spun and scowled. “Get out. No one invited you into this meeting.”

Seth ignored his outburst. “Orders, sir?” he asked Peters. Whatever was going on, Richardson needed to back down and cool off.

“Richardson was just leaving,” Peters said. “Show him out.”

“Are you kidding me?” Richardson glared at his partner. “We’re not finished with our discussion.”

“Yes, we are. I’ve said all I intend to say, but you’re not listening.”

“But the timeline….”

“Will not change. Either our people fall into line or we’ll execute the plan alone.”

“That’s insane,” Richardson snapped. “We don’t have enough people. It would be a suicide mission.”

Peters glanced at Seth. “You have your orders. See him out.”

“Yes, sir.” Seth stepped closer to Richardson. “Time to go, Mr. Richardson.”

“You’re nothing but a soldier who quit on his unit,” he spat out. “Don’t presume to tell me what to do, soldier.”

“Good soldiers follow orders. That’s what we’re doing, sir.”

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