Page 77 of SEAL's Resolve

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“I don’t have time to talk to him. We’re booked solid and will be lucky to squeeze in lunch.”

“Make time,” Jill said flatly. “I’ll cover for you while you talk to him. You owe Hugh common courtesy no matter how you feel about him.”

Although she was right, Kristi dreaded talking to Hugh. He wouldn’t be happy when he realized the easy fix to his financial woes was slipping through his fingers. “You’re right.”

She couldn’t delay the inevitable. Kristi frowned. Would her father have told him the news already? Man, she hoped not. Kristi could imagine how that conversation would have gone.

Refocusing on her primary priorities, she tapped the binder with Maggie’s design choices. “What do you think about the dresses?”

“They’re fabulous, especially the last one. I think Maggie will love all of them.” Jill smiled. “I know her Marine will enjoy seeing his bride in them.”

“Let’s get to work. I’ve been thinking about the dress for Genevieve.” Kristi explained the new concept as she went to the computer to show Jill what she’d designed before leaving for Gatlinburg.

Fabric rubbing against the wall drew Kristi’s attention as Jill studied the dress design on the computer screen. Rafe walked past the workroom and into the room across the hall, his attention focused on the black device in his hand.

“This design is incredible,” Jill said. “Genevieve will love the dress. When did you finish the design?”

“Before I left town.”

“I’m glad you did. Otherwise, you’d be scrambling to prepare for her appointment.” Jill straightened. “I should finish the Gomez dress. Juanita’s fitting is this afternoon.”

“I’ll work on the Boswell alterations.” Kristi sighed. “We need another employee.”

“Yep, we do. Have anyone in mind?”

“Deidre at the fabric shop. She makes her own clothes, and they’re impressive.”

“She’d be an excellent choice. She’s always cheerful and has great ideas when we talk about designs. Deidre not only makes her clothes, she designs some of them, too.”

“Call her this afternoon and ask her to stop by tomorrow or Wednesday after lunch. The sooner I hire someone else, the better. Our workload is exploding.”

When the doorbell rang, Kristi glanced at her watch. “That might be Maggie.” She rose and walked toward the door, surprised to hear footsteps behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, she raised her eyebrow in silent question. “Going somewhere, Eli?”

“I’m on guard duty until Rafe finishes the search for unwanted electronic surveillance.”

“I’ll be answering the door all day.”

“One of us will answer the door. We promise not to scare off your clients. Safety precaution, Kristi.”

Wolf Pack had a protective streak a mile wide. Fighting against it was unwise and fruitless. “It’s good you and the others are buff bodyguards. My clients will appreciate the view.”

Eli scowled. “Now you’re just messing with me.”

Kristi laughed as he stalked to the door and checked the peephole.

Wolf Pack’s leader sighed and glanced over his shoulder. “Heads up, sugar,” he murmured. “Trouble’s at the door.” With that cryptic comment, he opened the door, blocking entrance to the men standing on the doorstep.

“Who are you?” a male voice demanded. “Where’s Kristi?”


Kristi’s heart sank. She didn’t need a confrontation with the man hanging his hopes on her trust fund on top of everything else this morning. Maggie was due any minute, and Hugh stood on the doorstep with Ward Security men, demanding to see her. Although the timing was terrible, putting him off would cause more belligerence and aggression.

“Let him in, Eli.” Kristi suspected Hugh would cause a scene when she turned down his proposal. She would have to talk to him outside or upstairs, and Wolf Pack would be near if Hugh stepped out of line.

The operative allowed the man dressed in an Italian suit and loafers to push past him, but refused to admit the WS guys.

“Kristi, why didn’t you return my calls?” Hugh demanded. His brown eyes glittered with fury as he stalked toward her. “I was afraid the kidnappers hurt you, and Alan refused to talk about the whole sordid business.” He gripped her arms and shook her. “How heartless and insensitive can you be? You scared me.”

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