Page 139 of SEAL's Resolve

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After answering a stream of questions from the paramedics and enduring their cursory examinations, Rafe leaned hard on Eli as his team leader helped him to the ambulance.

“Would have been easier to use the gurney,” Eli said.

“Shut up, sir.”

He chuckled as he practically lifted Rafe into the back of the ambulance, then did the same for Kristi. “Keep an eye on him,” he told Kristi. “Rafe isn’t a good patient.”

“I have a feeling that’s true for all of Wolf Pack.”

“You know us well, sugar.” When the paramedic climbed into the back of the ambulance with Rafe and Kristi, Eli shut the doors. Seconds later, the vehicle began the journey to the hospital.

In less than fifteen minutes, Rafe and Kristi were in one examination room with Brent Maddox standing guard in the hallway. The Fortress CEO had assisted Phantom and Wolf Pack in the woods around the Ward cabin and volunteered to stand watch.

By the time the doctor finished treating them, Rafe was beyond ready to leave the hospital and find a comfortable bed, but they were waiting on word about Kristi’s father, and the local police wanted to talk to them.

“We have questions for you and Ms. Stewart,” Detective Olson said. “You can answer them here or at the station.”

“My girlfriend’s father, Alan Stewart, is in an operating room at the moment. Frankly, I could use a vat of coffee. I vote we go to the cafeteria.”

“Coffee sounds good,” Detective Lawson said. “Lead the way.”

Three hours later, the detectives’ questions had been asked and answered multiple times, and fatigue weighed on Rafe like a wet wool blanket. A glance at Kristi told him that she wasn’t doing much better.

Rafe stood and helped Kristi to her feet. “Kristi needs to check on her father. If you have more questions, contact us tomorrow.”

“We’re not finished,” Olson protested.

“Yeah, we are. Other questions can wait.”

Brent walked up. “Go, Rafe. I’ll take care of the detectives.”

Rafe escorted Kristi from the cafeteria to the sound of the angry detectives protesting Brent’s interference, and Brent threatening to call in the company lawyers.

After Jackson’s response to his text, Rafe escorted Kristi to the elevator. “Sixth floor. Your father’s in recovery.”

They met Jackson in an empty waiting room. “He’ll be fine,” the medic said to Kristi. “He’ll need rehab on the shoulder, has a concussion, and needed stitches in his forehead. The surgeon also repaired some minor internal injuries. Considering what he endured, he’s doing great.”

“When can I see him?”

“Go to the desk. The nurse will take you back. I know you’re worried, but keep the visit short. He needs rest to heal. Your father is sleeping off the anesthesia, so he’s in and out.”

“Will you come with me, Rafe?”

“Sure.” He threaded his fingers through hers and accompanied Kristi to the desk. When they entered the recovery room and saw her father, Kristi stopped abruptly, her wide-eyed gaze fixed on Stewart’s face. Rafe squeezed her hand. “I know he looks rough, but he’ll heal and be back to buying and selling companies in no time.”

Kristi wrapped her hand around her father’s. “Dad, can you hear me?”

Several seconds passed without a response. Finally, Stewart opened his eyes and blinked. He looked confused when he saw her, then he frowned. “You’re hurt.”

“A few cracked ribs. Everything else is superficial. You and Rafe have the worst damage.”

Her father shifted his gaze to Rafe. “How bad?”

“Cracked ribs and a knife wound with lots of fancy stitches, courtesy of the doctor.” He smiled. “I’ll heal faster than you.”

A faint smile. “Younger.” Stewart sobered. “Sorry.”

“For what?”

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