Page 110 of SEAL's Resolve

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He nudged the plate closer. “Eat. I’ll get your drink.” A moment later, Rafe set a glass of water by her hand.

When she finished the meal, Kristi sat back. “I don’t think I’ll order this in a restaurant again. I’ve never tasted better fajitas than yours.”

“Good to know.” Rafe cleared her dishes and utensils before pulling two bottles of water from the refrigerator. “We should go.”

She slid from the stool. “I’ll grab my identification in case we’re stopped by a guard.”

Soon, Rafe escorted Kristi to his SUV. Once they were buckled in, he drove away from her home. Although exhausted, she was anxious to discover what was going on with her father.

“Where are we going?” Rafe asked.

She gave him directions to the warehouse district where Stewart Group owned several buildings. Twenty minutes later, he turned into the industrial complex and drove toward the back of the property.

“Which warehouse?”

“Building 244. It’s in the corner.”

Rafe turned off the SUV’s lights and drove toward the designated meeting place. He scanned the area. “Doesn’t appear to be anyone around,” he murmured.

“The building has three offices inside. Dad’s probably in one of them.”

Rafe stopped three warehouses away from Building 244. He backed into the alley between two warehouses and turned off the engine.

“Why did we park here?”

“In case of trouble. The SUV is black and will be hard to see in the alley.”

“You’re worried?”

“Aren’t you? I don’t want our ride compromised.”

Kristi’s stomach knotted. “I should have refused to meet. What if I put us in danger, Rafe?” Even considering that was bizarre. Her father was angry, but he’d never hurt her.

Rafe squeezed her hand. “We’ll be fine.”

“We should leave. I’ll text Dad and tell him I can’t make it tonight, that I’m too tired.” Not a lie, either. If not for the adrenaline pouring into her veins, she could fall asleep right now.

“We’re already here.” Another hand squeeze. “I can check the warehouse without you.”

“Not a chance. Let’s go. I want to hear what Dad has to say and leave.”

“Wait for me to open your door.”

As he circled the SUV’s hood and helped her to the asphalt, Kristi prayed she didn’t regret her decision.


Rafe tucked Kristi against his left side, keeping his right hand free. He scanned the area for potential threats. Too many places for people to hide in the shadows. Although security cameras dotted the area, the lighting was too dim to suit him. “I don’t see a vehicle.” In fact, the target warehouse appeared deserted.

“Dad might have parked at one of the other of the warehouses and walked from there. Stewart Group owns ten warehouses in this industrial complex. They’re on this row and the next two rows.”

“We’re thirty minutes late. Is it possible your father left already?”

“Not without ranting at me over the phone for wasting his valuable time.” Kristi glanced around. “I’ve never been in the industrial complex at night. This is creepy.”

When they reached the door to the warehouse, Rafe twisted the knob. It turned easily under his hand.

“Dad must be inside. He’s careful to lock up when he leaves one of the warehouses at night. So are the warehouse managers.”

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