Page 7 of SEAL's Promise

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Cheeks burning, he scowled. “Coffee dates. I want more. That’s all you’re getting from me.”

Brent rounded on Micah. “Did you know about this?”

A snort. “Hard to miss.”

Great. He thought he’d been subtle about his slow pursuit of Micah’s administrative assistant. Her comment about saving his phone number in her sat phone contact list made him wonder if Rachelle was interested in him as more than a friend, too.

Cal stood. “Are we done here?”

The rest of his team rose.

“The Texas unit will join you in Antigua. They’re on the way home from a mission. We’ll reroute them to meet you at the airstrip.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to slip into Antigua with one team instead of two?” Jackson asked.

“We don’t know how large this terrorist cell is or even if the attack was carried out by terrorists. If the group is large enough, you’ll be lucky to escape with the two women. Two teams might not be enough.”

Eli flashed a grin. “If we bring the cool toys, we’ll be fine.”

“Pack heavy,” Micah said. “Better to have more equipment than you need. We’ll update your intel as we get it.”

Wolf Pack left the office and headed to the vaults to load up with supplies. While he replenished his gear, Cal noted that Jackson stuffed his mike bag with medical supplies. He prayed the medic didn’t need to use any of the supplies on Rachelle, Amy, or the operatives.

Within ten minutes, he and his teammates grabbed their Go bags and headed for the elevator.

Cal drove from the underground garage and toward John C. Tune Airport, pushing the speed limit as much as he dared. The sooner they were wheels up, the better. Wolf Pack had intel to gather and an op to plan.

Hopefully, Rachelle would call soon to tell him she and Amy were safe. In the meantime, he’d consult every map he could find of Antigua and the surrounding area. Jon had a photographic memory, but if the teams had to split up into smaller groups, Cal needed to know the layout of the city. The knowledge would aid in making a quick exit when their routes were blocked.

By the time he parked at the airport in the private area designated for Fortress, Cal had to hold himself back from running to the jet. His SEAL teammates wouldn’t believe it if he told them. He’d been known for having nerves of steel. Knowing Rachelle was on the run with armed men hunting her and her friend made his blood run cold.

When he brought Rachelle back to US soil, he wasn’t waiting any longer to ask her on a date. Life was too short. He didn’t want to waste more time, refusing to consider that he and his teammates might be transporting her body home.

Cal grabbed his Go bag from the cargo area of his SUV and headed for the jet. He stored his gear as the rest of his team boarded the plane. Choosing a seat, he prayed the jet caught a tailwind and shaved time off the journey.

Within minutes, the jet powered up and taxied down the runway. Once the jet reached cruising altitude, Eli walked to the conference table. “Time to get to work, boys. We have damsels in distress to rescue.”

Jackson frowned as he joined them. “We don’t know where they are. How can we plan an extraction?”

“We’ll have more information soon.” Jon dropped onto a seat next to Eli. “With an operation like this, Brent will tap Zane to gather intel.”

After Cal settled next to Eli, he sent Zane a text, requesting the link to track Rachelle’s sat phone location. He received a response less than a minute later. Tapping the link, he watched as the flashing red dot continued to move.

Rafe sat beside Cal. “Information already?”

“Tracking Rachelle’s phone.” Was she with the phone? That was the question plaguing him. If one of the terrorists caught the women, he could have killed them and taken the phone.

Jon grabbed a laptop and brought up a map of Antigua. “Let’s get started. We have a lot of work to do and little time.”


When Rachelle glanced at Amy, her eyes widened. “Lower your head,” she reminded her friend. “Security cameras are everywhere. If the gunmen want you bad enough, they’ll hack into the cameras and track you.”

“It’s the middle of the night. No one’s going to see me.”

“Streetlights and dim lighting from the stores make it easy to recognize you.”

Amy sighed as she lowered her head. “Sorry. I forgot about that. How did you think of it?”

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