Page 9 of Shadow Undercover

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“But the men chasing us could shoot him.”

“It’s possible.” The medic sounded like she doubted that possibility. “It’s more likely he’ll shoot them.”

“But we’re in a moving vehicle. That’s impossible.”

Sam laughed softly. “Not for Trace. He’s the best sniper around.”

Sniper? Her gaze shifted to his face. He must have sensed her looking at him because he glanced down at her briefly before returning his attention to his task. “You’re serious?” she whispered to Sam. “He’s a sniper?”

The other woman was silent a moment. “He saves lives with his skill, Bridget. None of us would be alive today without him to watch our backs.”

“I didn’t mean to sound judgmental. I was just surprised.”

“They’re maneuvering to cut us off, Nico,” Ben said.

Nico put on another burst of speed and the SUV leaped forward.

Bridget rolled against Sam’s arm. Although the contact still hurt, the pain was tolerable.

“Another turn,” Nico warned. He made a quick left, then a right. The SUV moved faster.

Unfortunately, the road he’d chosen was filled with potholes, and every bump and teeth-rattling jolt brought tears to her eyes. Bridget prayed Nico would lose the men following them soon because she couldn’t take much more.

“Hang in there.” Sam squeezed her shoulder.

“She okay?” Nico asked.

“The road’s hard on her ribs.”

“Bridget?” Trace’s eyes were filled with concern.

“Stay on task,” Nico snapped. “She’s fine.”

Bridget nodded at Trace, hoping he wouldn’t see the tears falling from her eyes. She bet Trace and his friends didn’t cry when they had busted ribs. She’d have to toughen up to keep from embarrassing herself in front of this tough team.

Although Trace looked skeptical, he returned his attention to his task.

More gunfire peppered the air.

“Cover your ears,” Sam ordered. “It will get loud in here.”

A moment later, Bridget heard the sound of glass breaking. She glanced at Trace but he seemed to be fine. From her position on the floor, she couldn’t see anyone else in the vehicle except Sam. “What was that?”

“Ben kicked out the back window,” the medic said.

There went the rental deposit. “Why?”

Rapid gunfire from inside the SUV answered her question. Bridget covered her ears. Wow. She’d had no idea gunfire could be so loud. Great. Guess the bad guys had caught up with them.

“Hold on,” Nico said.

Trace braced himself and seconds later, Nico made another sharp turn.

“Trace, go.”

Bridget’s eyes widened. As she watched, Trace raised his rifle and fired two shots. A moment later, the sound of a loud crash filled the air.

“One down,” Ben yelled. “Nice job, Trace.”

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