Page 94 of Under Fire

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“What’s to tie up? You distributed the money to us poor saps who’ve been dependent on Aunt Michelle. Now you can take the remaining money and live in luxury. That’s what I’d do if I were in your shoes. You must want to return to your home soon.”

“Of course I do. I miss my store. I also have an obligation to Mom.”

“She’s gone. Aunt Michelle won’t know if you follow her instructions to the letter or not.”

“I’ll know.”

He inclined his head in acknowledgment, then turned his attention to Matt. “Next time you’re in Harmony, stop by. We’ll go hunting and test out your skills on the local wildlife.”

Matt’s face showed nothing of the revulsion he felt at the prospect of hunting with Delilah’s cousin. He hunted enough two-legged predators and the occasional four-legged variety when on missions. He’d rather not kill for sport. “I don’t have much down time. What I have, I’ll be spending with Delilah.”

“Admirable.” Shane climbed to his feet. He pocketed the check before leading the way to the door. “I’ll be seeing you, cousin.”

The door closed behind them with a quiet snick.

As Matt walked with Delilah to his vehicle, he thought about Shane’s last statement. Why did it sound like a threat?


As Matt drove away from Shane’s cabin, he handed Delilah his cell phone. “Call Detective Russell.” Perhaps the detective had more information he would share. If not, Zane would hack into the computer system and find the information.

“Russell,” was the man’s short greeting.

“This is Matt Rainer. Delilah and I need to talk to Randy Holloway. Is he still a guest of the police department?”

“We’re about to cut him loose.”

Matt’s gut knotted. “You didn’t find anything on the hospital security footage to hold him?”

“Hold a second.” When Russell spoke again, the noise level in the background had dropped. “The security footage wasn’t much help. Someone in scrubs and a surgical mask entered Mrs. Holloway’s room five minutes before her husband arrived. That person left two minutes later. Can’t identify the bozo in scrubs.” Frustration rang in his voice.

“Did you see the hair color?”

“Surgical cap on the head. What do you want with Holloway?”

“To talk. Delilah’s been away from home a long time. Randy knows more about Michelle than anyone else.”


Yeah, the excuse was lame, but he didn’t owe the cop an explanation. “Did you or one of the patrolmen bring Randy to the station?”

“That’s right. Why?”

“He’ll need a ride to his girlfriend’s place. Hold him for thirty minutes and we’ll give him a lift. That will allow Delilah time to talk to him without interruption.”

“I can lose his paperwork for another thirty minutes. What’s your game plan, Rainer?”

“Same as you. Track leads and see where they go.”

“In other words, you’re using your girlfriend as bait.”

He scowled. “I would never knowingly place Delilah in danger. She means everything to me.”

“Got a funny way of showing it, pal. Word’s out around town that you’re talking to all the major players in Mrs. Holloway’s murder.”

“Most of them are beneficiaries of Michelle’s will. I won’t prevent Delilah from carrying out Michelle’s last wishes. I’ll be with her every minute. Anyone who wants to harm my woman will have to go through me first.” He wouldn’t hesitate to use deadly force to protect her.

“I hope you haven’t overestimated your skills. You’re pushing your luck, my friend. That’s on you. Don’t make it my problem by presenting me with another crime scene or victim. I’ll hold Holloway until you get here.”

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