Page 38 of Under Fire

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Matt stood and helped Delilah to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her against his body. Bending his head, he captured her mouth with his own.

He teased her with soft butterfly kisses until she wrapped her arms around his neck and increased the pressure of her mouth against his in silent demand for more. Matt edged closer and traced her lips with his tongue, asking for permission to deepen the kiss. His heart skipped a beat when she instantly complied and he indulged in his first taste of her. Warm honey, the inside of her mouth as soft as silk.

Oh, yeah. He was a goner, all right. No other woman would do for him from this point forward. If she rejected him, he didn’t know if his heart would survive intact.

The kiss spun on and on as he changed the angle by degrees until the fit was perfect. He paid attention to every catch of her breath, every moan, learning what Delilah liked, what made her shiver with delight.

When his control was razor thin, he broke the kiss.

“Not yet. Please.”

He pressed his forehead to hers, his breathing rough. “Shh.” Matt pressed her face into his neck. “Let me hold you for a few minutes and bring my heart rate out of the stratosphere. Your kisses are addictive and potent.”

She laughed softly, her warm breath brushing against his skin. “Back at you.”

When they had both calmed, he released her. “Let’s see if Cade and Sasha decided what to order from room service.”

“I don’t know if I can eat anything. I try not to eat between meals.”

“You can order something light along with tea.”

“Sounds good.”

He dropped a quick peck on her lips, resisting the burning need to dive into a deep kiss, and went to the living room with her. “Did you decide what to order?” he asked Cade.

“Sasha’s in the mood for ice cream. What about you, Delilah?”

She looked torn. “I shouldn’t but ice cream sounds great.”

Comfort food. “A treat once in a while won’t hurt you.” Matt placed their order a minute later. He turned to the others. “I need to call Rod Kelter and give him an update. Maybe he’ll have information for me.”

He unlocked the French doors, stepped out on the balcony and made the call.


“It’s Matt.”

“Perfect timing. Tell Delilah we’re finished with her house. Will you be in town soon or should I arrange to have someone watch the place?”

“PSI has the house covered. We’ll be in Harmony for a few more days. Delilah’s mother died earlier this evening.”

“I’m sorry. Please give her my condolences.”

“Thanks. Do you have updates?”

“Keep an eye on Delilah. We found evidence of two men in the house, and a roll of duct tape and a syringe in her bedroom. Before you ask, I don’t know what was in it. We sent the syringe to the lab to be analyzed and, like always, they’re backed up.”

Not a simple burglary, then. Had the men planned to abduct Delilah or kill her? Knowing the contents of the syringe would help him decide their intent. “No further trouble in town?”’

“No. Why?”

“Someone fired a rifle at Delilah a few hours ago.”

A quiet gasp made him turn. Delilah’s face was pale, her eyes huge. Matt motioned for her to come to him. When she did, he tucked her against his chest. Things had been so chaotic since the shooting, he hadn’t told her she was the target of the new attack, not him. He tapped the speaker button so Delilah could hear the conversation. “You’re on speaker with Delilah, Rod.”

“Are you all right, Delilah?”

“I’m fine, thanks to Matt.”

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