Page 26 of Under Fire

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“You were hurting. It’s behind us now. You’re getting tired. Randy said you wanted to see me. What do you need, Mom?”

“Forgiveness for the way I treated you after your father died.”

“Done. If that’s all, Matt and I will let you rest. We’ll come back later.”

“Wait.” Michelle’s hand clamped over Delilah’s wrist. “I made you executor of my will. Talk to Oliver Shannon. He’ll tell you what to do. Copy of the will and funeral instructions are in my safe deposit box. You have the key.”

Delilah stared at her mother. “Wouldn’t Randy or Zach be the logical choice for executor?”

“Can’t trust anyone but you to do what I want with the money.”

Money? What money? “Mom, I don’t understand.”

“You will. I love you, Dee. Be careful.” Strength at an end, Michelle drifted back to sleep.


Matt wrapped his arms around Delilah and eased her against his chest. “You okay?” he murmured, his gaze assessing Mrs. Holloway’s shallow breaths.

“This doesn’t make sense. My family isn’t wealthy. I can’t imagine Mom has enough money in an account that Randy and Zach would fight over it.”

“Things change.” He kissed her temple. “We’ll figure it out when the time comes.”

“How long does she have?”

His arms tightened around her. “Not long.” From what he was seeing, Delilah’s mother might not live through the night. “I’m sorry, Delilah. I wish I could give you better news.”

She drew in a shuddering breath. “I’d rather have the truth than a pretty lie any day. Thank you for being here with me.”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

When the door flew open, Matt pushed Delilah behind him, hand reaching for his weapon when Randy walked inside the room. Delilah’s stepfather glared at Matt.

“What’s up with the jerk in the hallway searching me?”

“He’s a friend. We work for a security firm.”

“That don’t mean he’s got the right to prevent me from coming into my wife’s room.”

“When you could be a threat to Delilah’s safety, it does. If you want an apology for being protective of my woman, you won’t get one.”

Randy’s eyes narrowed as he rounded on Delilah. “You’re involved with this thug?”

She frowned. “He’s not a thug.”

“But you’re involved with him.” A bark of laughter escaped the man, contempt in his eyes. “Should have known you’d be desperate enough to hook up with someone like him. No one but a gangbanger would look twice at you.”

Matt felt Delilah flinch. Enough. This jerk didn’t have the right to hurt Delilah. Not wanting to get himself and Cade banned from the hospital, he opted to retreat. For now. If Randy continued his verbal assault the next time they saw him, Matt would pull him aside and have a chat with him. His fists might be part of the discussion. “We should let your mother rest, sweetheart.”

Randy moved to block the doorway. “Did Michelle talk to you, Dee?”


“What’d she say?”

“Apologized for the way she treated me after Dad died.”

“There has to be more.” Her stepfather glowered at her. “What are you hiding?”

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