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Sigh. This man was completely out of her league. And yet she couldn’t help but stare at the abundance of honeyed skin on display. He was huge, with a near seven-foot tall frame that was heavily corded with muscles that seemed to be naturally acquired as opposed to gym-made.

He made her mouth water. She knew she shouldn’t be staring, but she couldn’t help herself. Suddenly she felt warm, warmer still as she took in his sculpted torso and bulging arms in one long, sweeping glance.

A rumbling sort of noise escaped his lips and her eyes flashed back to his. His features appeared sharper, more distinguished than before, and she had to hand it to him, the man could’ve been a model with those chiseled good looks.

Her pulse started to race and the heady masculine scent of him invaded her nostrils at the same time. He smelled like pine trees and clean, fresh snow. She didn’t know how she recognized it, she just knew she liked it.

Dean parted his lips and that slow rumble became more pronounced, a sexy growl of a noise that made something inside of her stand up and take notice. Desire flared to life between them, she knew for certain that he was interested and that only served to fan the flame of her own yearnings.

Kiss him. Touch him. Claim him.She shook her head, not understanding that last bit of advice from her inner voice. What the heck did that mean anyway?

It was as if her need was a sentient thing, she scoffed at the thought, and shook her head to clear it. This whole thing was truly bizarre, but her awareness of him seemed to grow by the second.

She stilled, watching him intently. In that one, drawn out moment, Violet felt as if the entire universe had stopped. Every inch of her seemed to be aware of him and only him. Down to the tiniest little molecule, she stifled her moan and looked down.

Violet licked her lips, fighting her increasing need with everything inside of her. No longer hungry for the imported ham and cheese, she wiped her hands on one of the small festive napkins he’d provided and tried to ignore the naughty little voice inside of her head.

She didn’t want food, she wanted something else. Something warm and alive. She wanted him. She wanted to climb that mountain of a body and take him deep inside of her.

To mark him with her scent. Give him her bite. Stake her claim.What?Holy shit!

“Are you okay, little one?” his voice interrupted her inner monologue and she blinked away the voice inside of her.

“Sorry, uh, yeah, I’m fine. I guess I ate too fast.”

“Here, have some more water,” he said and held her bottle to her lips.

His eyes held hers for a moment and it was as if some strange, wonderful understanding passed between them. She felt safe there, with him. More than safe, she felt cared for, and wasn’t that wonderful?

Is this what they meant by love at first sight?His eyes flashed at hers and she decided then and there to accept whatever happened.

Violet leaned forward and pressed her lips to the opening. It felt cold and wonderful as she sipped from the glass bottle.

She moved to take it from his fingers, but Dean shook his head and grinned.

“I got it,” he said and actually insisted on holding it for her, so Violet gave in and drank her fill.

Swallowing down a long sip of the icy cold liquid, Violet moaned in gratitude at how good it felt sliding down her throat. It was a noise Dean seemed to follow quite closely, licking his lips as he watched her.

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