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Chapter Four

Violet stared at her rescuer while he moved about what she now realized was a log cabin of sorts, though truth be told, it was the height of luxury from what she could see. There were marble accents to go with the highly polished wood walls and floors, expensive throw rugs, and the furniture was all richly masculine in varying tones of brown, beige, and forest green.

It was all very modern and yet rustic, impeccably clean and light with enormous floor to ceiling windows, whole walls of them in fact, and the roof was half made up of what she guessed were retractable skylights that showcased the surrounding Pine Barrens in a way that was flattering and inviting.

This place would impress anyone, she guessed, but her favorite was the enormous fireplace. The burning wood cast off the perfect golden glow and gave just enough warmth to not be overbearing.

She sank back into the couch where she’d been lying down minutes before. It was butter soft to the touch and large enough to fit at least eight people. Turning her head carefully, she saw bookshelves that intrigued her, and of course, a state of the art entertainment center.

The lights were dimmed down probably in deference to her head injury, but she could see everything with remarkable clarity. She was curious about her rescuer and what kind of books and movies he preferred. What kind of things he liked to do.

“This place is incredible,” she called out and snapped her mouth closed when her stomach growled audibly just as the strange man returned with a tray in his hand.

“Thanks, I am glad you like it. I thought you might be feeling a bit peckish,” he grinned approvingly and placed the tray on the coffee table in front of her.

He sat down next to her making his mock-kilt ride up slightly and Violet felt her cheeks heat up at the familiar and yet careless way he seemed to ignore his nudity.

The body is perfectly natural, she thought and decided to shrug off her own puritanical closed-mindedness. With this kind of place the man had obviously been brought up with a different kind of background than she, and besides, he was her host. The least she could be was gracious.

His bare thigh rubbed against hers as he moved the table closer to them. The touch was somehow comforting as it was arousing, but she was much too hungry to pay it any mind. Actually, more like starving, and that was surprising considering she’d had tea and cookies with the Leeds family before she’d left.

At any rate, she was too hungry to notice the careful way he was watching her. Violet closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath, practically salivating at the delicious aromas from the antipasto plates he’d put together.

“This looks great,” she said.

“I am glad you approve,” he said and his voice seemed deeper than before.

Violet was practically drooling at the delightful assortment he’d put together in record time, she could hardly keep from gorging herself on all the goodies.

There was a plate filled with delicate little rolled up cold cuts, a bowl of calamari salad, an array of cheeses with plump grapes and strawberries, and a basket of crackers and breadsticks.

It looked positively divine. Before she could stop herself, Violet had piled the small dish he’d handed her with three slices of perfectly rare roast beef, a couple of cubes of sharp cheddar cheese, some sesame crackers, and a scoop of calamari.

“try this,” he said handing her a breadstick dipped in some kind of spicy mustard and she took it happily opening her mouth for the crunchy sesame goodness.

The second she tasted the delicious goodies, Violet hummed happily. Hell, she was practically purring aloud. She’d always been a fan of eating, as her thick thighs and rounded ass could attest to, but even so, she felt her face blush in embarrassment.

“Oh my, um, excuse me please, I must be hungrier than I thought,” she mumbled and grabbed a napkin, mortified by her behavior.

“Please do not apologize. There is nothing sexier than watching a beautiful, confident woman enjoy herself.”

“Beautiful and confident? Who me?” she practically snorted and shook her head.

“Yes. You,” he returned matter-of-factly, “I like watching you eat, little one. I think you’re refreshing, delightful, extraordinary in truth,” he said and tucked a stray curl behind her ear.

For some reason, she believed him. The voice inside her had gone quiet, but Violet felt approval hum throughout her body. As if she should not only accept his praise but bask in it as her due.

What the heck? I’m not entitled to anything he, uh, darn it, what is his name?She could not believe she hadn’t asked her rescuer’s name. Wiping her mouth she sipped her water and decided it was now or never.

“So, uh, I’m Violet, Violet Martinez,” she said and offered her hand.

“That’s a beautiful name,” he grinned and closed his hand around hers, engulfing it completely and pressing his thumb against her palm.

The touch was innocent, and yet she felt it sizzle through her, all the way down to her toes. Next, he lifted the cold cut dish out to her and nodded approvingly while she perused the selections and took a slice of prosciutto this time.

“I’m Dean Romero, and I am very pleased to make your acquaintance, Violet Martinez.”

He smiled at her and his teal eyes reflected the glow coming from the fireplace. He was absolutely gorgeous, she noted once more. Certainly, the handsomest man she’d seen in her lifetime. Not that that was saying much. Her last boyfriend was a sous chef at Chez Jaqueline in Maccon City and thought her too provincial for him.

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