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I stared down at her, wanting to dispense with this distance between us and wrap her up in my arms. “You.” The single word captured her attention, and she couldn’t look away. “I have you now. I want to kiss you.”

“Not here,” she whispered.

“Then where?” I demanded.

“Linc.” She stood up, unwilling to hide behind the desk.

I came around before she could say another word, and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her tight. “I’ve missed you, Aly.”

“I missed you too,” she said, falling dreamily into my eyes.

I took the opportunity, not caring if it was unprofessional. My lips bent to hers, settling gently over her mouth like a bird on a precarious wire. I could feel her heartbeat fluttering in her throat. Her body tensed as if she was on the verge of casting me away. Instead, after a moment of indecision, she relaxed into the embrace.

Our bodies fused together, two beings becoming one, joined at the chest. She opened her mouth to me, and she tasted just as I remembered, like freedom and possibility. In my mind, confetti cannons were going off, celebrating our reunion. I was sure it was just a matter of time before I had Aly back in my bed, but I wanted more than that from her. I wanted everything.

She broke the kiss reluctantly, pushing gently away. I could see that the affection had aroused her. Her lips were swollen, hercheeks pink. I didn’t have to look down to know that the kiss had affected me too.

“Linc,” she said.

I took a step back, giving her room. The tone of her voice suggested that all was not as I had hoped. The kiss had not erased every bad deed that I had done. She was still uncertain and wouldn’t be inviting me home this evening, which was probably for the best.

“I just need more time,” she begged.

I nodded. “I can give you time.”

I still felt like I was on the right track. It was infuriating and yet intoxicating at the same time. I knew I just had to be patient, that she would come back to me if I just gave her the space she needed. With a reluctant smile, I turned to leave.

“You don’t have to keep sending gifts,” she said to my back.

“I want to,” I told her.

“It must be costing you a fortune.”

I turned back around, my hand on the doorframe. “You’re worth it, Aly.”

She sank into her chair as if the fight had gone out of her, as if my words had hit her in a place deeper than she had been expecting. I left her alone with her thoughts, anxious for the day when we could go home together.



Thursday night, I went over to Porter and Gina’s place. Linc was not there. I played with Seth and he reminded me of Linc. Everything reminded me of Linc. Gina and I took some iced tea out onto the porch while Porter did the dishes.

“I’m thinking of taking him back,” I said, not specifying whohewas.

Gina smiled and toasted me with her drink.

“Do you think that’s the right decision?” I worried.

“It doesn’t matter what I think,” Gina said. “But yes, I’m very happy for you both.”

“I think I might go see him after dinner.”

“If you’re going to do that, let me help you get fancied up.”

I smiled. I didn’t need to get fancied up to see Linc, but Gina had her heart set on it, so I didn’t argue. She took my hand and led me inside. Porter was nowhere to be found, and the baby was missing too, so I assumed it was bedtime. Gina pulled me all theway to her bedroom, flicked on the lights, and left me standing in front of the vanity.

“You need a skirt,” she said. “You want to look as feminine as possible, but not like you spent any time picking your clothes out.”

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