Page 29 of We Three Kings

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‘I’m glad. She’s so nice, isn’t she?’ he whispers to me, as she engages in conversation with the person next to her.

I nod, smiling.

‘I always thought that she might go away to America and come back a bit different but she’s still the same,’ he says, still beaming.

I stare at him with a mix of affection and despair. Come on Frank, join the dots.

‘Oooh, it’s the famous Maggie…’ someone suddenly says, pulling the chair out from next to me. I look up, knowing she’s wearing exactly the same dress as me. Ashley, the older sister. She’s pretty, slender but there’s a stern look to her face that makes me think the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

‘Ashley? Lovely to meet you,’ I say, going to lean over to maybe half hug her but she doesn’t seem wholly bothered in initiating any sort of bodily contact. I go back to sitting upright.

‘That was interesting at the wedding, you being bridesmaid. How did that happen?’ she asks me.

‘Oh, it was an accident, completely. My dress, the wedding organiser got confused. I didn’t mean to join in, at all,’ I say contritely.

‘Yes, because I was supposed to be first out. You know? Being her sister and all that?’ she replies sharply.

‘Ashley…’ Frank pleads.

‘So tell me, what on earth do you see in Frankie?’ she says, half-laughing, half-drunk, I hope. ‘Hey, Guy – this is Frank’s mysterious girlfriend.’

I notice Frank’s body stiffening next to mine.

Guy sits the other side of Frank and I recognise him as one of their many cousins. ‘Yeah, please do tell. Because I’m not going to lie but if you end up getting married before me then I might as well call it quits now.’ Their laughter is cruel, in complete contrast to the energy in the room and I don’t quite understand. This is supposed to be family, people you love. His cousin ruffles his hair and Frank seems to just take it as part and parcel of being a member of this family. I wish I’d kept my satay skewers with me so I could stab him in the thigh. I glance over at Norah who sits across the table, slowly sipping her champagne in obvious discomfort.

‘Well, amongst other things, I’d say it’s his rather sizeable penis.’

I am not quite sure where that came from, it’s most likely the sheer irritation I feel for my tablemates but Frank chokes on his champagne, inhaling bubbles so violently that they seem to splash against the underside of his glasses. Ashley looks furious with me but over from the other side of the table, Norah smiles, pretending she hasn’t heard anything.

Guy laughs bawdily. ‘And how much did he pay you to say that?’

‘He pays me in sex. It’s a wonderful arrangement.’ He flares his nostrils at me. Frank is a berry shade of blush, but that could be the alcohol, who knows with Frank? ‘But since you asked, he’s intensely clever, he’s fun, he looks out for people and he feels no need to show off, and that tells me he’s sincere to a fault. Frank is just the best of people.’

I glance Norah’s face at this point and she smiles from ear to ear. I have no idea if Frank got any of that, because that was quite a decent testimonial. I think he’s still processing the peniscomment. Ashley picks up her glass and storms towards the top table, in the direction of her mother. Guy turns to the pretty girl next to him.

‘Maggie…’ Frank whispers.

‘I think your sister has gone to tell on me,’ I say, looking over at both Ashley and Regina piercing me with their gaze.

‘She’s probably telling her you’re lewd and vulgar,’ he says worriedly.

‘Well, she’s a bitch, Frank. I’m sorry,’ I say, trying to be as subtle as I can. ‘And I’m sorry but Guy…’

Frank’s eyes widen. He’s literally sat right next to me.

‘Well, he has mean eyes, a stupid cravat and I wouldn’t touch him with a bargepole,’ I whisper.

And for a moment, I see Frank smiling broadly, trying to hold in his laughter. ‘For a minute there I thought you were talking about my penis again.’

He made a joke! My whole body shakes, laughing with him as the lights go out, a snow machine fires up and Christmas music fills the room to signal the arrival of the bride and groom.

‘I’m glad you’re here, Maggie.’ He raises his glass.

I clink it with mine and grin. ‘Me too.’


‘YAM SENG!’ I scream at the top of my lungs at Frank. I’ve learned a new term today at this Singaporean wedding. Apparently, it means ‘Cheers’, and everyone shouts it heartily when they toast someone. These are the traditions to learn. Maybe that needs to be a new hobby. Learn ‘Cheers’ in every language, so I can join in with celebratory drinking in every country I should ever want to visit.

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