Page 7 of His Revenge

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“Nail guns and male genitalia typically get along; aside from being used against one another”

“Who is responsible for the recruitment efforts of Fabbri for insider knowledge?” I question him. I know it is the answer that my father needs the most. I need to know who turned Rob and who else they may have dug their claws into. This question causes him to pause, though. It's always hard to give insider knowledge, but I have one of my favorite tools to help him make the right decision. Given his hesitation, I stand and grab the nail gun from the table. I prefer to shoot my captives with this instead of bullets because the slower velocity leads to more pain and less effort on my part. Turning to my prey, I smile and step toward him, lining up the contact tip up with his kneecap.

“I will not ask the question again. You have 5 seconds,” I say in a flat but menacing tone. I have full control over myself and my need to shed his blood but I would love nothing more than to end him here and now so he can never look at Fiorella again.

“Fabbri,” he utters as if that answer will satisfy me. Pressing the contact tip on the top of his foot, I pull the trigger. He knows that was not the answer I wanted and needed to be taught a lesson. He screams. With the way the nail is sticking out, it is embedded in a bone.

“Who in Fabbri’s organization has been the point of contact for turning my people into spies? You have one more foot and ten more toes. I would not recommend testing me,” I utter in a low tone to get my point across. Watching him breathe through the pain to gather his composure, I see the way he is sweating and struggling.

“I wouldn’t have been able to get under their skin if you kept your people in line,” He taunts. So this motherfucker has been the one recruiting my men, drawing them into Fabbri’s ranks, and forcing them to betray the family. I killed Rob, my family, because this fucker had to get involved.

“Okay, so you are the current problem I have with lies and spies. Why have you been digging into my family and organization?” I continue the questions, using the contact point to line up the nail gun with the other foot. I am so excited to tear him apart, but I need answers. I can see the internal conflict in his eyes, what his options are, and how far Fabbri will take it if I let him live. With the way he talks about my bride, his heartbeat ends in this warehouse. Placing my finger on the trigger, I begin to whistle.

“Fine, fine, please no more. Fabbri didn’tt want to stop dealing skin. He needs more information to prevent your family from being a threat to his future in the more lucrative trades,” he utters with a wince. Something is unsettling about this. Why is her guard so involved in those parts of the organization?

“What is your role outside of being the bodyguard for my soon-to-be wife?” I ask, needing to better understand where he fits in the puzzle. With a smile, I aim the next nail as a warningshot, enough to unsettle him into talking. He laughs, winces, and continues laughing.

“I was assigned to Ella to bed her and keep Fabbri informed on his daughter. She thinks I am her guard but in reality, I am her father’s eyes and ears. Don’t get me wrong, she is good enough in bed for the payments her father provides. Every secret she told me has been passed to her father to help keep his daughter in line.” He cackles out like he has one over on my Butterfly, but today, I will avenge her privacy.

“There is more to the story and you need to stop holding back if you want to stop bleeding,” I retort while putting the next nail in his other foot. The guttural scream tells me he is reaching the end of his pain tolerance. What a weak man; how he made it so far in the organization without the ability to take pain is beyond me. My men all train hard including spilling blood to learn to take the pain and channel it.

“I helped arrange your fiancée’s previous dates. I knew the predilections of the men she would see as payment for her father's needs. If she did not cooperate with what was agreed upon I told her father. The power in forcing her to submit to these monsters walking around like men was unlike any high I experienced before.” He had the audacity to smile genuinely in a way that reached his eyes.

“Is that all?” I asked, holding the monster at bay. Every fiber of my being is fighting to rip the skin from his bones. I have never felt this primal need to protect someone before, especially not the daughter of my enemy. He shook his head with a smile on his face, and at that moment I promise to ruin him.

“No, I made sure that her punishments were everlasting without her ever knowing. She is just a stupid little girl with more beauty than brains. I would tell her father the things she wanted kept secret and in turn, he would wait and punish her in different intervals so she never knew where he was getting hisinformation. Together we made sure the punishments stuck and would stay permanently ingrained on her skin. The best part is after the punishments were doled out I was sent to care for her so she wouldn’t get suspicious,” Anton spoke with malice in his voice.

This cocky son of a bitch is really bragging to me about setting up my bride and fucking her. Are you kidding me? I pull back the nail gun and Anton exhales in relief. It is at that moment I decide to smile. Setting down the nail gun, I flip open my butterfly knife. The panic starts to radiate in his eyes and I can feel the fear rolling off of him in waves. Bringing the tip of the blade close to his chest I cut his shirt free from him.

“You never deserved to touch her, and now for my first gift to her I will punish you. Then only when your throat cannot produce screams anymore will I end your meaningless life,” I practically growl at him. He tries to scream and I shove his mangled shirt into his mouth so it's not as loud. I take my time etching ornate butterflies into his chest and face. I inject him with a dose of adrenaline to keep him conscious just a little bit longer.

Once I had carved his skin to my satisfaction, my hand reached for the nail gun and his eyes widened. He thought we were done. That was as far from the truth as possible. Pushing the contact point into his shoulder, I pull the trigger and watch him scream again. I shoot a nail into one of the vertebrae in his lower back, making him lose all control of his lower body, including his dick, and finally unleash the remaining nails into his forehead. He shudders his final breath and slumps over. The rage in my veins still boiling, but less than it originally was.

The clapping from the corner draws my attention. Rome is standing there with a devious smile. He can see the hard lines of my shoulders and jaw, no doubt that he both heard and saw what I just did in the name of my bride.

“She is mine, and anyone who has or intends to lay a hand on her will feel my wrath. Call the clean-up crew, I need to get home and figure out more about my girl,” I speak matter of factly. Stepping outside the warehouse to wash my hands, I hear the footsteps of Rome behind me.

“Here is the proof of what was said. There are 2 files on this thumb drive, an audio file, and a video. The password to access them isDandylion!1. You will need it to access the files.” Rome's voice flits over me. My best friend always has my back even when he does not understand what I am doing.

Before I go, I have one question for him, “Who is Dandylion?”

“Someone I can never have, but will never stop wanting. Don’t worry about the who. Just know I will always protect you,” Rome answers me. This is not the first indirect answer I have been provided by Rome, so whatever he is hiding must be important, but not dangerous to me. Sinking into the car to drive home, the exhaustion settles into my bones.

Chapter Nine


“When you have to be a dick and lay down the rules, don't use your actual dick.”

Opening my front door I notice that the light is on in the living room and only one other person has access to my house. Internalizing my sigh, I step into the room and see that there are three people in my house, not one. The conversation between my father and Enzo cuts off as I walk into the room. Sitting on my couch is my father, and by the look on his face, I know that I have no choice in what he is about to do. Brick by brick, I put up the walls between the skin shell that I inhabit and me. I need these walls to do all the things that I have done and see all the things I have. While few will understand, things with my father have been transactional since my mom died, and if I react at all to anything he will use it against me.

My eyes pass over him and Enzo to land on her dark hair that she is using to cover part of her face in an attempt to make herself smaller. She doesn’t want to be here and is afraid of what comes next. She is sitting in my living room, well soon to beher living room, and feels unwelcome, not like the spoiled mafia daughter I thought she would behave like.

“Care to fill me in,” I say flatly, to avoid any emotional draw being picked up by my father. The way that my mind reels in her presence is unlike anything else on this Earth. How I want to take her pillowy lips on my own until we are both panting and breathless. The way I am physically drawn to her, not just her beauty but every part of her drives me insane. I have an undeniable urge to lift her chin to remind her of the fact that she will be my queen and I am the only person she will bow to. Pushing those thoughts to the far region of my mind, I force myself to focus on my father's body language.

“It is time for you and your bride-to-be to live together and start combining your lives as we get closer to the wedding. I have brought her to you to ensure that you live up to the expectations of being my heir,” My father monologues, but the threat in his words is clear even without the menacing tone. It takes more effort than it should to keep my jaw from clenching. I hate being told what to do, especially in my own home. This is why I moved out of his house as soon as I turned eighteen. My father stands, adjusts his jacket, and walks past me to the front door with Enzo close behind him.

I am standing here exhausted from a long day of bloodshed and now my Butterfly is here and I am not prepared for this. Nothing with my father is ever handed over this easy and there is more going on here. He views me as just a pawn in his game, but he hasn’t figured out that I am the puppet master here. While he is here I need to act indifferent toward her but I can see the slight reddening of her eyes. She has been crying. Enzo follows my father dutifully out of the door to their car in my garage, leaving me with my Butterfly and a single suitcase.

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