Page 73 of Fastlander Phoenix

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“Okay, if you’re sure. Today he told me he loves me, but I don’t know if I could love someone who is so dangerous. I’ve dated bad boys before, and blah for three older blah blah…” Kendra’s words weren’t making sense to her anymore, and they were fading off to nothing as Timber’s mind raced on and on.

She was so hurt.Sohurt.

He’d told her he loved her? Today? Timber had been counting down the seconds to seeing him again, and he was with someone else. Why on earth would this happen this way? Why would Kendra, out of all the people in the world, be her client? Why would Timber be the one she opened up about her relationship with? Her relationship with Wreck.

Timber was struggling to stay professional as she blinked hard and nodded, pretending she wasn’t falling apart.

“…and then I didn’t say it back because I panicked, you know?”


“He said he loved me, and I panicked. My family would die if they knew I was falling in love with someone like him.”

Timber swallowed hard, but her voice still broke on the question, “What happened then?”

“I left. I had to keep my appointment with you. He seemed upset. He kept holding my hand and telling me to come back and talk to him about this. He asked me to cancel my appointments for the day, but he didn’t know I was coming here. He didn’t know I need this. You do help me figure myself out, and even just saying all of this out loud is helping me, I can tell. My head is already clearer. I shouldn’t be prejudiced. Just because my family instilled that in me, doesn’t mean I should hold onto it as an educated adult. I should follow my heart.”

“Mmhmm. And your heart says…”

“It says he is exactly what he says he is.”

Timber’s mouth had gone dry. “What’s that?”

“His mate.”

“He…he calls you that.”

“He has since early on. He said he just knew with me. I should’ve known it was going to move fast, because he wanted to sleep with me the day he came to start building my fence. I made him wait though.”

“That’s good,” she said, her head pounding with pain right behind her temple.

“I made him wait until the second day.” Kendra grinned. “I’m a lady, not a saint. It’s probably why I’m addicted to him. He’s a demon in the bed—”

“I think our time is up,” Timber rushed out, unable to hear another word, or her heart would break in two.

“But we have twenty more minutes,” Kendra said, gesturing to the clock on the wall.

“There won’t be a charge for today. I’m not feeling very well all of a sudden. I’m so sorry.” Timber blinked hard andinhaled deeply, steadying herself.Just get through this.“Is it okay if we continue this at a different time?”

“You don’t like shifters after all, do you? That’s why you’re upset,” Kendra said low.

“No, it’s not that. I’m just not feeling…I will email you with available times I have to make up your session.” She held her hand out toward the door, palm up. “Please.”

Kendra stood slowly, shouldered her purse, and pushed her sunglasses more firmly onto her face. “I’m sorry if I said something wrong. I was hoping for some clarity on Josiah.”

Josiah. That’s how she knew it was all really happening. Kendra knew his real name.

Pain seared through her, and Timber dropped her gaze to Kendra’s high heels. She couldn’t drag her attention back up to her face if she tried. Wreck had told her his real name. He’d given Timber such a hard time and made it seem like such a big deal, but that was his game, right? He made women feel special for knowing his name, ifthatwas even real. “Have a good day, Kendra. We will talk soon.”

Kendra huffed a little breath and left the room. She left the door open, so Timber stood unsteadily, caught her balance, and then walked carefully to the door and slowly closed it. She turned the lock, and pressed her palms and her forehead against the cold wood.


Wreck was different, right? He was supposed to be different. He wasn’t supposed to make her feel like this. He wasn’t supposed to be a liar. Why had he introduced her to his mother? Why was he texting Brandon claiming Timber was his? Why was he kissing her like that, and fucking her like she was everything? Why was he staring at her in awe in that picture Sasha had sent her?

All men have a dark side.

Kendra had no idea. The worst part of a man was the part that pretended he was good, when he was really all monster.

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