Page 58 of Fastlander Phoenix

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She loved him. Could he tell? Could he feel her devotion? She knew it was too early, but she couldn’t help what her heart felt, and what her mind knew.

Every single fiber of her being was absolutely certain that this was love.

She felt as if she wanted to cry, but that didn’t make any sense. She didn’t understand herself in this moment.

“You’re tensing up,” he observed softly, hugging her to his chest. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know,” she answered him honestly.

“You do. You know yourself. What hurts?”

“I guess…I guess I just waited for you for so long.” She pushed the admission out past her tightening vocal cords. “I can’t believe you finally found me.”

“Fuck,” he whispered raggedly, lifting her up and hugging her tightly under the stream of warm water that sprayed against her back. “Shhhh.”

Why was she crying like this? Why did everything feel so potent, so all-consuming?

Was it his soothing fire that intensified everything—made everything feel so big, and so good?

Maybe that was part of it, but she also was getting a glimpse of the man, and oh, that was something different entirely.

Parts of Wreck were destruction, but with her?

He was the rebuild.

The Wreck that the outside world knew wasn’t the Wreck she loved. He was different with her.

He was himself, and while his outsides were striking to look at, the man underneath was something she’d never experienced.

He was good.

To her, Wreck Itall was good.

Chapter Ten

“Nervous?” Corey asked from the back seat.

Wreck looked over at Timber, who was fidgeting with her purse strap in the front seat next to him. “Oh, no, I’m great.”

He could hear the lie in her tone. When he looked up into the rearview mirror, he could tell from the expressions on Corey and Ace’s faces that they heard it too.

“We will make it fun,” Wreck promised. Gah, he hated the effect her family’s betrayal had on her. In some strange way, he understood it. Just because a child was born into a family, that didn’t mean that family was good, or healthy.

He had told his mother about tonight. She had already texted him three times, checking on how it was going. He smiled. His mom already liked her. He was going to surprise Timber with that part after they got through tonight.

Truthfully, he wasn’t a forgiving man, and her parents hadn’t shown up to the hospital when she’d been in that car accident. He had waited and watched, and no one had shown up save for her sister, who worked there. No one went out of their way to check on her.



The most valuable human he’d ever encountered.

No forgiving shitty parents. They had known she was hurt. It didn’t matter their history. If they were living near the same town and purposefully not checking on her, they were shit.

He had encouraged tonight for selfish reasons. One, he wanted to see what was so special about her ex that her own parents would choose him. And two, he wanted them to see that Timber was okay without them. That she wasn’t alone.

He wanted her to have the last say, and he didn’t care what that said about him.

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