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Her eyes momentarily stray to my hands, spread out flat on either side of my groin. Like I’m presenting myself to her. I quickly tuck the chair closer under the desk, stomach clenching when our knees accidently knock together.

I swear to God I’m one second away from getting a nail-gun and stapling my boot to the floor, to stop my damn leg from pounding up and down.

I clear my throat and jab the blunt tip of a finger onto the itinerary in front of me. “Everything’s on track. We’re under budget. If you need me to send you copies of the docs I’d be more than happy to–”

“Actually I’m… I’m relocating.”

I blink at her. The word ‘confused’ would be an understatement.

“You’re relocating,” I repeat, not sure what she’s getting at.So you’re here because…?

“I was in the market for a… bungalow.”

“A bungalow.” She’s fucking with me, I know that she is. She looks shifty as hell and if she bites her lip any harder she’s going to make it bleed.Why is she lying about this?There’s no need. She should just come clean and say that her papa wants her on the payroll any which way. But I give her the benefit of the doubt because I don’t exactly hate having her here in my office.

“What for?” I ask.

“To live in,” she bites out. The way that she says it sounds a lot likeyou stupid asshole.

That’s not exactly what I meant. Why is this chick who probably lives in a mansion back home interested in relocating to the hills on the outskirts of a small town suburb? What’s she running away from?

I scratch at my jaw. “So you’re… staying on-site. Indefinitely.” My eyes scan her one more time. “So that you can stay in the bungalow.”

Her eyes are so big that for a moment I think that she’s about to cry. She’s lying to my face and I’m dying to know her true motive.

“Are you old enough to be on a site like this? You must be, what, twenty-two? Twenty-three?”

“Twenty-eight. Thanks though.”

My heart halts in my chest. She’s… twenty-eight?

Still not for you, man.

“I’ve been on sites before so this is no biggie. I’m going to be residing in the bungalow and simultaneously checking up on the progress of things. You won’t even know that I’m here.”

Un-fucking-likely. One, I wouldeatthis fucking pen lid if it turned out that she’d even stepped footon a site like this before. And two, I would have to be stone-cold dead to not know that she was here.

I flatten my hands on the desk, palms down, trying to reason with her. “You haven’t even been inducted.”

Her eyebrow ticks higher. “Isn’t that your job?”

I blow out a long breath. “Is this a test? Were you sent here to see how we handle distractions?”

Wrong thing. I said the wrong damn thing.

Next thing I know her chair is making a loud scrape backwards, her fists are turning white-knuckled next to mine, and she’s towering over me. Second time in one morning. It’s my lucky day.

“If this was a test I’m not so sure that you’d like the results. A ‘distraction’? That’s what you’re categorising me as? I have every right to watch over how you’re manhandling the properties listed under my family’s name so, congratulations, because you just hired yourself a hawk.”

I rise to my feet and now she’s the one being towered over. She scowls up at me like I’m a tree she wants to hack down. “This is protocol. I’m saving your ass from a legal nightmare. In fact, scratch that – I’m saving you frompotential physical harm. I’m looking out for you. So whether or not this site is in your inheritance, you need to go back to daddy for a different toy to play with.”

She leans a little closer. Goddamn, she smells good.

“Actually,” she says slowly, dropping her voice to a smug whisper. “This site belongs tomommy.”

I arch backwards and stretch the column of my throat before locking my eyes back in with hers. It looks like I can kiss goodbye to this project getting done on time because I’ve just hired myself a beautiful twenty-eight year old distraction with an entitlement issueandan attitude problem. If she wants to spend the next two months getting in the way then fine – be my guest. But I’m a grown-ass man with a job to do and I’m going to keep this professional, so help me God.

“You need a site induction before you can stay here,” I tell her levelly.

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