Page 29 of Where We Left Off

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“Hey,” I say. “You shouldn’t be over here.” I speak quietly, so that no-one else on the bench can hear.

“I had to come and check on my favourite girl,” he replies easily. I can feel his smile radiating beside my cheek and it makes me squirm with butterflies.

But then reality sets in.

“Tate, they’re going to make fun of me,” I say, still holding my unopened lunch box, head down. They alreadyaremaking fun of me.

I feel him step back and then suddenly my stool is swivelled around to face him. His tie hangs loosely, the way that the popular boys wear it, and from this angle he looks ridiculously tall and intimidating. His expression is self-assured and a little smug.

“They’re not allowed to make fun of you. No one’s going to say anything to you about this because, if they do, they’ll have to deal with me.” He flashes me a cocky boyish smile. “You’re mine.”

I try to ignore the flutters in my tummy because I know that this dynamic isn’t really in my favour.

“They think that I’m your prey.”

He grins even wider. “Youaremy prey. But you’re also-” He fishes out the chain from under his shirt and holds the cross pendant up to me. “-the answer to all of myprayers.”

I duck my head to hide my smile at that one.

“I want you to come over to mine after school today,” he says. “When I was out this weekend I bought some things for you. Well, for us. But really they’re for you.”

He wants me to go intohis house? I think I’m sweating. I clutch at my tie and try to loosen it so that I don’t faint in front of him in the cafeteria. Understanding what I’m doing, Tate hooks two fingers under the knot of my tie and he gently pulls it forward, easing the fabric from around my neck. Then he runs his thumb down the length of the tongue until he reaches the tip in the cavern of my lap.

I’m breathing like I just ran a marathon. Thank God I don’t have Gym later.

“I can’t come,” I say.

He gives me a sad frown.

“Why not?” he asks. He places the hand that was behind his back on the table to my rear, leaning closer.

“I have homework,” I answer.

“You can do the homework at mine. Then, as your treat, I’ll show you your gifts.”

I look up at him from under my lashes and he’s bearing down on me, eyes sparkling expectantly and tan skin aglow with excitement.

I shuffle on my stool and touch my tie in the places where his fingers have just been. “If my mom comes home and notices, she’ll think that you’re my boyfriend or something,” I mutter, ashamed to even insinuate such a thing.

He straightens his spine and his chest doubles in size. I cringe.I know.What a repulsive thought that will be for you, Tate.

But then he says, “Good,” in a hard, sure voice. “It’s about time that you had a real man in your house.”

I squeeze my eyes shut because I have no control of my emotions. I think I’m about to pee my pants.

I can feel as Tate bends forward again so that his face is right in front of mine and I peep one eye open. He’s smiling. “Is that a yes?” he asks.

I scrunch up my nose.

“Don’t give me that look like you don’t want to,” he scolds. He’s joking, but I can tell from his voice that he’s a bit nervous too. My heart swells.

“Fine,” I sigh. I roll my eyes like I’m bored of him, but really I want his fingers running down my tie again.

He inhales deeply, a satisfied grin on his face. Then he whispers, “See you after school, River.”

He pushes off the table and walks casually back to his friends. I can hear them rebuking him for his stint, but I don’t have any intentions to look over at them and let them ruin my mood.

When I turn back to my lunch box I squeeze back a smile.

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