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Shit. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “Where are you going?”

“Over there.” He points toward the water. “I’m going to join her. Just needed a little liquid courage first.”

I look around, hoping to find someone to pawn him off on and finding no one. “I’m not going to let you do that.” I pull him under the streetlight and away from the water. “Are you staying at a hotel?”

He hands me a key card from a building that’s only a few blocks away. “My wife is there. She doesn’t understand. I just want to be with her. Be with my sweet girl.”

With my hunger suddenly gone, I usher the man back to the vintage hotel. The moment we open thelarge wooden front door, a middle-aged woman rushes to his side. “Marty, are you okay? You scared me when you ran out of the funeral home.”

Marty doesn’t respond. Instead, he grabs his wife, pulls her close, and cries the kind of tears that are reserved for times like this. I turn, leaving the couple to mourn. Anger and guilt wreak havoc on my stomach as I realize how fucked up I truly am.

Dammit, what’s wrong with me? Thorne’s right. I’m being a class-A bitch. Closing my eyes, I focus on Thorne’s face and try to send a message the same way he does to me—through his mind. I know he’s nearby. His energy has stayed close since I stormed away. To his credit, he’s left me alone to pout.“I’m sorry.”I send silently.

“Me, too,”he responds immediately.“You saved that man’s life.”

I huff a laugh.“Yeah, I’m getting soft.”

“You’re not a killer,” Thorne says, stepping behind me.

“I’m trying,” I whisper. “But that goat’s blood sucks.”

“Let’s find you something a little better.” He wraps his long fingers through mine, pulling me toward the familiar bar that serves as the lycan’s headquarters.

“Hiya!” Luna says the moment we enter. Unlike before, the room is full of lycan and humans, who have no idea they’re the minority in the room.

“Am I eating a lycanthrope?” I ask as we make our way to the bar. Several large men turn in my direction.

“I heard that,” Luna says as she sets a wine glass full of dark red liquid in front of me. “This is fresh and should help the snarkiness a little.” She stares, waiting for me to empty the glass.

I send a glare toward Thorne, wondering if the two of them have had a conversation about my attitude. “Thank you.”

“Sure thing.” She doesn’t move as I pick up the glass, taking a small sip at first and then finishing the contents in one gulp. I feel better the instant it hits my stomach.

I close my eyes, relishing the flavor. “That tasted like a glass of sunshine.”

“You’re welcome,” Luna answers with a smile.

“That…that was your blood?”

“Yep.” She picks up the empty glass, wiping underneath it. “You’ve got a little…” She points at her chin.

I copy her movement, wiping the small amount of blood from my chin. “Is that what all lycan tastes like?”

“I’d like to think no, but truthfully, I have no clue.”

“Thank you, Luna.” She smiles, turning back to her duties at the bar.

“There’s someone here that wants to meet with us,” Thorne says, pulling me away from my meal.

I sigh. “Dammit, why is there always something?”

“Because until Kragen is dead, neither of us is free.”He opens the door to Connor’s office, revealing a familiar vampire and her Alpha husband.

“Elsie,” Amelia says, moving in front of me and hugging me tightly.

“I took the liberty of filling Christopher and Amelia in on the events of this afternoon,” Connor says, standing from his desk.

“We were already in the city, so the timing was perfect,” Amelia answers.

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