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Charles’s eyes grow several inches as Thorne approaches the two of us. “Good evening, Miss Abernathy.”

I bow slightly. “Good evening, Captain. This is my brother, Charles.” I watch the two men shake hands.

“Would you care to join me in my quarters tonight for a meal?” Thorne asks, looking between the two of us. “Both of you?”

“In the captain’s quarters?” Charles asks.

“Aye, that would be where I eat. Better than that, please bring your entire family.”

“Oh, no. We couldn’t do that. Thank you for theoffer, but that would be asking too much. There are ten of us,” I answer, pulling my brother toward the door to escape.

“I insist,” Thorne continues.

“He insists, Elsie,” Charles whispers. “We can’t ignore what the captain insists upon.”

“He’s right,” Thorne says behind me.

I close my eyes in defeat and turn, facing the giant man. “Thank you for the invitation. I will let my mother know.” I smile, trying to hide the turmoil in my soul.

“I’ll get them,” Charles says as he disappears, leaving me alone with Thorne.

“Thank you for the invitation.” I bow slightly with my words.

“Of course.” My family exits the narrow door several seconds later, saving me from the awkwardness forming between us.

“Captain,” Mama says with a deep bow. My sisters follow her movements, making me smile. “Thank you for the invitation.”

“My pleasure, ma’am. I relish the company.” He turns, moving toward the back of the ship. “Please, follow me.”

I wait for everyone to pass before following them into the extravagant room at the back of the ship. I’m surprised at the difference between his quarters and ours. The room is as wide as the ship with a large table sitting in the middle. The room the men were playingcards in the other night is nothing compared to this one.

A lavishly decorated bed sits against the far wall. Beside it sits a desk covered in books and papers. A large window spans the entire length of the room, allowing a full view of the setting sun. “Is this a castle?” Bonnie asks, looking around the room with her small mouth gaping open.

“No, nothing that fancy. This is the captain’s quarters,” Thorne answers. “Please, sit down.” He motions to the large table in the middle of the room. There are enough chairs for each person to have their own seat. Thorne pulls a chair out for Mama on one side of him, motioning for her to sit down. I can’t help but notice her cheeks take on a pink hue as she does. He moves to the chair on his other side, pulling it out for me, before he sits between us. I try not to show the excitement I feel at sitting next to him.

“Thank you for taking me up on the offer. Dinner will be served shortly.”

On cue, Smith enters the room, carrying a large platter of chicken. “I didn’t realize you had company, Captain.” His Scottish accent is one of the strongest I’ve heard.

“Just a few more mouths,” he answers.

“Oh, that will be more than enough for all of us,” Mama interrupts. “We don’t eat much.”

“Nonsense,” he answers. “You all look like youcould use a good meal.” He turns toward Smith. “Bring more chicken.”

“Aye, Captain.” Smith retreats from the quarters.

“Mama? May I have a piece?” Bonnie asks from my side.

“Of course you can, wee one.” Thorne stands, taking the tray of food with him. He takes his time, filling each plate around the table until there is no more chicken on the platter.

“What about you?” Mama asks. “Are you not going to eat?”

He pats his stomach dramatically. “I ate earlier. I couldn’t eat another bite.”

His lies warm my heart. I take pleasure in watching the little ones tear into the first meal we’ve had in weeks. The smiles that cover their faces bring joy.

“How long have you been a captain?” Mama asks. “You look terribly young to be in charge of such a large vessel.”

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