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“How is your brother?” he asks.

“Better. Thank you.” Turning my head toward the rising sun, I take one last breath. “Thank you for bringing me up here. You were right. This is the most beautiful time of the day.” The energy between us suddenly feels awkward, warming my cheeks and giving me a reason to escape quickly. “I need to go check on my family. Thank you again, Thorne.”

“You’re welcome, Elsbeth.” I feel his eyes on me as I make my way to the door that leads into the sweltering stateroom that houses my family.


a meal fit for a queen

“Ah, there you are,”Mama says as I enter the room. “Everything okay?”

I smile. “I’m good. How is the baby?” I move toward the smallest member of our family. His coloring looks better than yesterday, which gives me hope.

“He seems good.” She takes a small bite of the bread I brought in. “Charles says you found this food on board.” She closes her eyes, relishing the flavor. “I don’t want to know any details, but I’m glad you did.”

I look around the room, seeing my siblings eating their fruit. Everyone looks healthier. “I think I can get more if we need it,” I whisper.

“Are you being safe?” she asks.


Her frail hand wraps around my arm. “Thank you.”

The day passes quickly. We used what remained of the water to clean the small room to the best of ourability, which means while we have a cleaner place to live for the next few weeks, I will need to ask Thorne for more water.

Each time I’ve passed the helm, Thorne has been standing in position at the wheel, seemingly not noticing me. I resist the urge to speak to him. For what reason, I don’t know.

As the sun begins to set, I help Mama give the smaller kids a bath with water she pulled from the sea. I can’t remember the last time I had a bath, and the memory makes me greedy with the desire to experience hot water surrounding my skin once again.

The sun is nearly below the horizon when I realize the main deck has emptied in the time we’ve been out here. My stomach rumbles, reminding me that I am most likely not the only one in my family who’s hungry. “Why don’t you take the children back to the room? I’ll get us something to eat.”

“Elsbeth…” Mama starts.

“I’ll be fine. It won’t take long.”

From the look on her face, I can only imagine what she thinks I’m doing in exchange for nourishment. I watch her take my siblings inside. Charles stays behind, propping his foot against the wall behind him.

“Go with the kids,” I reprimand.

“No,” he argues. “I’m the man in charge.” I stare at my younger brother, wondering where this sudden urge came from.

“Charles, just because you’re the oldest son doesn’tmean you have to be in charge. Let me get us what we need, and I’ll bring it to the room.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “I promise I’ll be fine.”

“Tell me where you’re finding the food.”

“Why does it matter? As long as we have food to eat, it doesn’t matter where it comes from.”

“Elsie, are youdoingthings with these men to get our food?”

“What? No!”

He looks around the main deck. “There doesn’t seem to be a market anywhere nearby. I’m young, but I’m not naive. I know how things work.”

I step toward my brother, placing a hand on his arm. “I appreciate your concern, but no, I’m notdoinganything to get food. I have my ways.”

His stance eases slightly. “Do you promise?”

“I promise.” I squeeze his arm as I speak.

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