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“There’s more,” Francis says, interrupting.

“The cursed or those cursed by him will not be permitted to harm the female.”

“In other words, Kragen or any of his creations cannot kill you,” Abram translates.

“That’s all well and good, but what’s to keepsomeone much older than him from ending his life?” Micah asks.

“Nothing,” I answer. “What are the chances of finding a vampire that is older and is willing to kill Kragen?”

“Slim,” Thorne answers. “Viktor was ancient, but he’s no longer on Earth. We have no idea how old Kragen is.”

“I do,” I whisper to the crowd in the room. “He told me once.” I look up to see every pair of eyes patiently waiting for me to continue. “He was born in Brittania during the first century.”

“The first century?” Micah repeats. “That makes him over two thousand years old.”

Thorne turns toward me. “I mean no offense, but how could you overtake someone that strong?”

“I couldn’t,” I answer truthfully. “I can’t.”

Luna stands, moving to the center of the room. “Okay, am I the only one who needs a recap?” She takes a deep breath. “Kragen is old, like old as fuck.” She turns toward Francis, “I’m sorry, Ms. Francis.” Francis waves her hand in dismissal. “Kragen is old,” she continues. “The sea witch who turned him into a vampire cursed him so that only one of his female creations could kill him? Does this sound right so far?” The room nods in agreement. “Then why would he marry you off to that French asshole? Why not just hire someone to kill you? I doubt money is an issue for him.It seems out of character for him to bring you onto his ship just to marry you off.”

Luna’s right. It doesn’t make any sense.

“Maybe he doesn’t want to kill her. Maybe he wants to be the one to die,” Francis says from behind the large book. “Maybe he’s ready to die, and Elsie is the only person on Earth capable of doing it.”

“That’s insane,” Elias argues. “I’ve heard stories of this lunatic forever. I’ve never met a vampire who wanted to die.”

“You’ve never met a vampire as old as he is,” Francis argues.

“Then why all the theatrics?” I ask the room.

“Everything Kragen does is for attention. Why would his death be any different?” Thorne answers.

“He knew you’d come to rescue me.” I put the puzzle pieces together. “The ship was all part of his plan. He wanted things to happen just the way they did.”

“Then we need to keep up with his plan,” Micah says. “No doubt he’s waiting for you to come looking for him. You need to oblige him,” Micah repeats Samirah’s words from earlier.

“They’re right,” I agree. Thorne rubs a hand through his hair, sighing deeply with my words. “If he’s ready to die, I need to give him what he wants.”

“What if everyone’s wrong? What if he kills you? You don’t stand a chance againsthim if he puts up a fight.”

“He’s not going to,” Francis says, sitting down. “I may not be chronologically the oldest person in this room, but I’m in the oldest vessel. I know what it’s like to want to die. I know what it’s like to have nothing to look forward to or live for.” She pauses before continuing. “If Kragen’s truly ready to die, then he’s not going to fight. Hell, he’s bringing a damn pirate ship with him as he comes. It’s not like he’s sneaking down the coast. He’s not hiding anything.”

Thorne sits next to his granddaughter. “I’m sorry you’ve felt like that in your life.” He wraps an arm around her shoulders.

“Let her go to him,” Francis continues.

Thorne closes his eyes in response. “What if?”

“No,” she interrupts. “There are no what ifs. I’m right about this.”

He looks up at me, tears welling in his eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

Am I sure about this? No, but I don’t dare answer truthfully. “Aye,” I lie instead.

“Tomorrow then,” Thorne stands, moves to my side, and pulls me close. “Tonight, the lycan need to rest.”

“And the human,” Francis adds.

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