Page 52 of Another Story

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“We’re taking my car,” I announce, hanging over the door to answer before turning away to get my keys from within the house.

“But you don’t even know where we’re going.”

“I’m sure you won’t have any issues instructing me where to go,” I remind her. I jog up the porch steps, snatch my keysfrom the bowl on my side table inside, and press the garage door before walking outside again.

I don’t bother locking my front door.

It’s something I’ve had to get used to, something I’m still struggling with. But an upside to small-town is that no one is around to steal your shit. I’m so far from town that it’s rare I see anyone driving around here.

The brand-new houses being built in this area are mostly vacant; another sign that this town needs more people. They’re building houses that the people of Cherry Cove are too stubborn to venture out and live in.

With the garage door open, I can see my Jeep Wrangler, sitting inside, waiting for us.

Eloise is already out of her car and pushing her sunglasses up again to look at me.

“Is that thing safe?” she asks, and I glance back and forth between her and the vehicle.

“Of course it is.”

“I’ve never been in a car that had fabric for a roof,” she mutters as she marches past me and into the garage. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were overcompensating.”

The last bit is said under her breath, but I catch it, following her and opening the passenger door so she can climb in.

“Why, Eloise. I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said about me,” I goad her, flashing a grin before I shut the door on her bland expression.

As the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, I’m typically the one giving out orders. So, to be at the mercy of Eloise’s directions makes me antsy.

It makes me wish I knew where we were headed so I could relax into easy conversation.

As if she can read my thoughts, she looks over at me.

“You’re uncharacteristically quiet.”

I glance at her, happy to see her dancing eyes and wicked smirk, even if it’s at my expense.

“Just trying to stay focused on the road,” I inform her, watching as we drive past trees on a near deserted back road. From my peripheral, I can see her turn to look out the window. After a few more minutes of silence, she tells me to slow down. I’m wondering where the hell we are, seeing no buildings or parking lots to clue me in.

Just as I’m about to break down and ask her if we’re lost, she points to a clearing in the trees where a few cars are parked on the dirt.

Curious, I pull my car in, shutting it off and facing her completely.

“Is this where you’ll hide my body?” I ask, licking my lips at the sight of her tossing her hair back before opening my car doorand hopping. She doesn’t wait for me as I get out, placing my keys in my pocket.

It doesn’t take long for me to catch up to her and I swear I hear the sound of water rushing as I follow her through the trees and toward a bed of rocks. And as we near them, my suspicions are confirmed. We’re at the edge of a small cliff, water rushing downstream.

“This is beautiful, Eloise,” I murmur, catching sight of people a few feet away in their bathing suits.

“This is nothing,” she starts, walking away from me. “Follow me.”

I’m not wearing hiking shoes, my athletic sneakers able to keep up but not the sturdiest for this adventure. I watch her tiny body trek its way around the rocks with ease, like she’s done this too many times to count.

And the sight of her pert ass in her spandex shorts is enough to make me want to follow her to the ends of the earth.

The sound of water rushing becomes louder, the farther we walk from where we parked. She’s taking a steep step when I see her falter and catch her before she can hit the rocky surface.

“Are you okay?” I ask, pushing her hair from her face, wondering how she hasn’t managed to put it up before taking on this task.

“Yeah,” she says, standing herself upright. “It’s been years since I hiked this. I either underestimated the walk or overestimated myself.”

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