Page 31 of When We Crash

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“Sorry, busy. Volunteering at the hospital,” she answered, waving her hand like that was something I wouldn’t be interested in.

“What time?” I asked. Persistent was my middle name.

As if she read my thoughts, she grinned. “Four,” she answered before turning away.

She was always walking away from me. Like she knew I’d follow.

“I’ll see you there,” I said to myself.


“You’re volunteering at the hospital?”Tracey wasn’t convinced I’d come up with this on my own, despite my casually bringing it up.

“Yes. And, yes, my homework is done. I did it as soon as I got home.” I sat across from her at the kitchen island.

“This wasn’t Ralph’s idea, was it?” Her tone indicated a disbelief that I could only laugh at.

“You’re not giving him enough credit,” I said with a chuckle. “But, sadly, no. It was Noa’s.”

Her eyebrows shot up, mouthing Noa’s name to herself.

“What’s that face about?” I asked.

She shook her head, looking at her laptop screen. “Speaking of girls with whom you’re spending time…” she said, trailing off as her phone chimed with an incoming text message, “I actually have a date.”

“Yeah? That’s great.” I slid off the chair and grabbed my jacket. “I’ll be back. I have my phone. Call me if anything. And stop worrying.”

“But…don’t you want to know more?”

I looked over my shoulder at the surprise on her face. “Guys don’t really talk about this stuff, right? If it’s serious, bring him by. Oh, and carry pepper spray.” I gave her a hug, grabbed my keys, and stepped into the cold afternoon.

While I wasn’t sure what would be happening when I got there, I was pretty excited to see Noa. I unlocked my car and saw that the clock on my dashboard read three forty-six. With excitement building, I backed out of the drive and headed to the hospital. It didn’t take long to get there and the entire drive, I thought about the last time I’d been there. This time, I’d be walking in instead of being wheeled out.

My eyes took the building in as I stepped out of my car.

When I locked my car behind me, I saw Noa step through the main entrance and I jogged lightly to catch up.

She stood at the counter, signing a clipboard, and when I came in, she turned and looked at me. “You surprise me, Dexter.”

“Why? I said I’d be here. You just walked away before I could tell you,” I responded, rubbing my hands together to warm them from the momentary cold.

“And with time to spare,” she joked, her eyes shining. “Look, I get the effort, I guess, but if you don’t want to do this, I won’t make you.”

I grabbed the clipboard and signed in. “No one makes me do anything I don’t want to do, Blue.”

“Good to know. Today we’re working in Pediatrics. It varies, but it just so happens that kids are who I’m in the mood for,” she said.

I took off my coat and placed it over my arm, then stood beside her as she pushed the up button for the elevator. “You’re beginning to worry me.” I gestured for her to enter the elevator car before me and inside, she again pressed the button to take us where we were going.

Level Two: Pediatrics.

“Trust me,you haven’t known me long enough to worry yet.” She kept her eyes ahead, although I saw the corners of her mouth lift.

“I mean, you seem like a good person. Genuinely good, not because someone is forcing you to be,” I started. “And you read. Does anyone read anymore?”

She smiled a small smile and I wondered if she’d say anything in response.

The elevator doors opened, and we walked out, Noa leading the way.

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