Page 101 of When We Crash

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When I stepped back, I looked past him at the neon sign practically screaming for my attention. A snap judgment had me grabbing his hand and leading him toward it. Once we stood in front of the building’s door, he peered down at me, his eyebrows drawn together.

“Bad idea?” I asked, the words coming out in a nervous huff.

“Only if you aren’t completely sure.” His frown was adorable.


“Areyoucompletely sure?” I shoved my hands in my coat pockets.

“Without a doubt. So completely sure that there isn’t any more room for sure left.”

I threw my head back and laughed.

He ran his fingers down my face, bringing me back to him. “Are you completely sure?”

“I’d rather show you than tell you,” I said before taking his hand again and opening the door.

We were greeted by the sound of buzzing and a bored looking young woman fiddling with one of her many piercings. It made me miss the metal I had lining one of my lobes. I touched my ear, my fingers on the few studs I kept. Her eyes brightened significantly when she saw us, and I couldn’t help but think how fun it would be to paint her. I wasn’t known for portraits, but one of her would totally be worth it. All that ink covering her skin.


“What can I help you guys with?”

I looked up at Dexter and he smiled, telling me to go on.

“We want to get tattoos.” I grinned. “Well, obviously.” I gestured around the room.

“We do piercings, too. But we only have one artist on,” the woman said with a small frown as the buzzing paused.

“I’m almost done, Frannie,” said a deep male voice from the back. “Get everything ready for them.”

Frannie turned in her chair and I turned to Dexter.

Before I could ask, he leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I’m sure. Remember?”

I nodded and started looking at the tattoo designs. I didn’t want something that meant nothing, and as I looked at these pictures, I realized that’s exactly what they were. Pictures that meant nothing.

“I think I know what I want. I love you, but I don’t want your name. It’s cheesy. I already know you’re mine and you know I’m yours. But I think we should get something that reminds us of each other. Almost like a secret. No one else will know what they mean.” I looked back at Dexter, who was looking at me with the same adoration I got used to in high school.

I settled down with Frannie to look at fonts. Once I picked one, I whispered what I wanted in her ear and she nodded with a grin. We went over the size and placement of it, and she ran to the back to start the design.

“So, no names, but something that reminds me of you. Any place in particular?” He sat beside me and flipped through the font book.

“Wherever you want.” I sat back content. Until I started second-guessing. “Unless you don’t want one about me. You can get whatever—”

He grabbed my hand, silencing me with a look. “Don’t do that. I love this idea, us having something that means something and no one else knowing it. And I love that tonight it feels like we were never apart.”

Frannie came back, breaking me from my Dexter-induced hypnosis. “Yours is ready to go. What about you, handsome?”

She went through the book with him as I walked through the parlor. I was looking at the piles of tattoo magazines when heavy boots made their way toward me. Accompanied by a busty blonde stood a god of a man—a very tattooed man. He was slim, his hair slicked in a way that reminded me of leather jackets and combs in the back pockets of Levi jeans.

The woman turned toward him, giving him a peck and bouncing out the door, a bandage over one arm. He watched her go, looking rather pleased. It was only once she’d gone that he looked at me.

Not busty, although my C cups were nice enough in my opinion. Not blonde, but I never wanted to be. Blue hair had been fun enough.

“You next?” he asked me, walking toward Dexter, who’d been left alone after he told Frannie what he wanted.

“That’s me,” I said, trying not to sound nervous.

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