Page 96 of Lesson In Honesty

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He swiped a droplet of sweat off her chin. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to be afraid of me. Being well endowed, I’m an expert in squeezing into tight spaces. I’ve been waiting to see if your Master would share you, honey. I ain’t gonna hurt you now I’ve got the opportunity.”

She blinked as he leaned forward to kiss the gap between her eyebrows, then pushed fluidly to his feet. For a muscular man, he moved very gracefully. Her skin shivered under the light caress of his hand running down her back, bumping over the ropes. The calluses on his palm were thick and ridged, toying with her oversensitive flesh.

“How are your hands feeling, honey? Your feet?” He tested both. “Warm, good. Any tingling, numbness? You’re familiar with the drill by now, but it’s easy to overlook the little signs when you’re tired.”

“I’m okay, sir,” she whispered.

He hummed in response, those calluses teasing her calf when he moved to stand between her thighs. Reverent fingertips feathered over her swollen sex. “I’ll be honest, I’m not usually one to take seconds after another man, but this… honey, this pussy is plump and slick, all hot and bothered after a hard fucking. Beautiful shade of red,” he mused, tracing her hole. “I’m really going to enjoy rutting your Daddy’s cum out of you and giving you mine.”

Her eyes flashed over to Liam. Had he deliberately found Masters who had a diploma in dirty talk? Her pussy squeezed on emptiness, disappointed she wasn’t full again yet.

“If I were your Daddy,” he told her as he lined his crown up with her entrance, “I’d have to fuck you in public every damn day. Torture the other Doms with the sweetest, prettiest fucking sub in the club. I’d parade you in front of them, cum running down your legs, just so they knew what the hell they were missing out on.”

Sierra closed her eyes and sucked in a breath. Her brain wasn’t so fuddled she couldn’t read the buildup—he’d reach the pinnacle, then strike.

“Personality and a smart mind take the win every time, honey,” he murmured for only her ears. “Being dumb and jealous speaks volumes about those who feel threatened by what they don’t understand. Still remember the safeword?”

“Yes, sir,” she croaked.

“Good girl.”

A huge hand clamped down on her shoulder while his arm wrapped around her hip to strap across her belly. Unlike Liam, Merrick wasn’t using the natural motion of the harness and rigging to his advantage; the only thing it was doing was keeping her at the right level while leaving his hands free for other things.

Her tender opening stretched around his crown.

“Ow, ow, ow,” she whimpered. Jesus, no one told her she’d be losing her freaking virginity all over again. Were Eli and Evander pumping steroids into their friends? Some kind of penis enlarging drug? “Help me.”

“Relax, honey.” Rolling his hips, he inched inside her, finally popping in. “There we go. God, I love those little whimpers.” His fingers flexed on her shoulder, warning her. “Wish I could see your pretty eyes right about now.”

Good luck, she thought. They were crossed with a vicious blend of pleasure and pain, her vision blurry and beginning to sparkle. A short determined thrust sank too much of that cock into her channel, expanding her horizons.

Liam’s cum and her own lubrication aided Merrick’s next thrust, letting him surge to the hilt. She made a shockedahsound when he bottomed out, hitting the end of her and triggering an uncomfortable ache.

“Like a glove,” he muttered, then whatever civility he possessed snapped with a black growl of need. There was no slow, no gentle. He pulled out until the wide crown threatened to leave, then surged back in.

Hard, fast, dirty.

Her eyes rolled back in her head to the brutal slap-slap-slap of his groin against her ass. She couldn’t get the wet, sloppy sounds out of her head—couldn’t believe they were coming from her. It was like a scene in a porn movie, the bound, helpless female being ravaged by an older man, fucked into oblivion.

He drove her ruthlessly, pounding her to the same rhythm as her heartbeat, until she splintered, fractured, and detonated in a shower of glittery pieces.

Still, he didn’t stop. Whatever blackness was in him set the pace. He lifted her slightly, altering the angle, and she combusted again. He rammed her hard, one, twice, and roared in triumph when he spilled inside her.

“Don’t underestimate yourself again,” he told her through heavy pants of breath. Delicately, he removed himself and brushed his knuckles over her beard. “Thank you, Sierra.”

Drool leaked from her open mouth. More of a different kind puddled on the floor. Sweat covered her body, her heart drummed against her ribs.

“Here, pet.” A bottle touched her lips; water kissed her tongue.

She drank slowly despite the need to down the whole thing in one go.

“Do you need to safeword?” Levi asked quietly, bending to study her eyes. “Are you still with us?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice.

“Liam’s to your left; Mack’s on your right. They’re watching you like a hawk, Sierra, and they’ll pull the plug if you slide away too far. Can you take more or do you want to rest?”

Why rest when the orgasms were flowing as though someone unplugged a dam inside her? There was no shame here because there was no judgement; even though the Masters used dirty talk as effectively as they used her, she still felt respected, which was…

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