Page 74 of Speechless

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Jenna stared at the ceiling.

She’d been awake for hours, long before the dawn came, and dawn had passed a long time ago. She didn’t have the energy—physically or emotionally—to so much as roll onto her side. Drained of the will to live, she felt as though she’d been transported back to the beginning of this misadventure.

Luna sprawled beside her, feet twitching and kicking as she dreamed. Jenna’s hand lay motionless on the dog’s side, a simple comfort she couldn’t enjoy.

Aside from the sleeping canine, the bed was empty.

Connor wasn’t there, and she was miserable.

“You and I need to finish the conversation you had with Sarah yesterday. The longer it’s left as it stands, the more you’re going to fear me and what you believe sex entails.”

Startled, Jenna squeaked, sitting upright and blinking at the figure in the doorway. Connor filled it, blocking her escape route, and she edged back on the bed as he approached.

Luna lifted her head, started to growl, then went back to sleep when Connor pointed his finger at her.

Dressed only in black boxers, Connor stood beside the bed. Muscle rippled down his arms and chest as he crossed his arms and scowled. “Don’t ever cower from me, baby. Angry or not, I’ll never lift a hand to you in anger.”

Her thumb ascended to her mouth.

“No.” The command reverberated deep enough that Luna slunk off the bed and curled up on the floor. “This is between me and you, Jenna. My little girl has nothing to do with it, and it’s gonna stay that way. Move over.”

Dropping her hand into her lap, Jenna blinked at him. “I panicked.”

“You did. You reverted back to the poor, beaten girl cringing on a barroom floor. We lost trust last night, you and I. This morning, we’re getting it back.” Connor shoved his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and pushed them down, kicked them off.

Jenna’s breath snagged. Her eyes veered up and over his shoulder as she instinctively slickened for the dominant male her body desired. “I changed my mind. I’m not ready, for any of it.”

“That’s your prerogative, baby. I’m not going to force you into anything you don’t want. I never will.” He tossed the covers back and effortlessly pushed her across the mattress until he could slide into the warmth. “Sarah said some things yesterday that can’t be taken back. They can be amended, as you didn’t let her finish what she had to say.”

Jenna bit her lip. “She said you might lose control. That you might hurt me if you lost control.”

“Might. Notwill. Did she say anything else?” He reached down and drew the covers over them both, covering up thebig personalitySarah had mentioned.

Larger than life personality, Jenna corrected silently.

He wasn’t more than a handspan away. His heat and scent were already whispering around her, soothing the rigid tension she’d carried since she woke. There was a sternness to his tone, but he wasn’t furious.

“She said it wasn’t a bad thing.”

Connor nodded and hooked his hands beneath his head. “Do you think Sarah would lie to you, baby? After all this time, would she lie to you to make me happy? She loves you, Jenna. She wants to see you happy, just like I do, and I managed to fuck it up royally.”

“I ran away.”

“You went to hide away, there’s a difference. We came close to having sex yesterday, Jenna. A few more minutes of kissing you, and I’d’ve been lost in you. Making the choice to back away hurt you, and I’m sorry. You expressed curiosity, and I shot you down because yes, if I lose control with you, I will fuck you. Hard, fast, rough. You’d come more times than you could count, and maybe it would hurt a little. But not in the way you think, Jenna.”

Her thumb plugged her mouth regardless of his previous order. This was not the Connor she was used to. No, Sir. This Connor was to the point, pulling no punches, and he radiated prime male vibes that set her belly fluttering.

“I’m looking forward to it. Curious little kittens should have the opportunity to experience everything they dream of, Jenna. Every wish, fantasy, fleeting thought. I’ll give you all of it. Show you every nuance of sex from black to white. But before I do that, I want to make love to you.”

Her throat clicked on a swallow.

“Have we lost all the trust between us, baby?”

Jenna shook her head. Sarah had inadvertently hit a sore spot in Jenna’s defenses, shaken them down to the soul, but the trust was still standing strong. “No, Daddy.”

His eyes darkened. “Then why are you so far away?”

“I-I’m right here…”

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