Page 60 of Speechless

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“I’ll take her upstairs, read her a story.” At Cain’s snigger, he reached out and punched his brother’s arm. “It settles her, asshole. The sleeping tablet shouldn’t take long to kick in.”

“Not laughing at her, bro. Whatever works for her on that score. I was thinking more about you being all domesticated and shit. I’ll just go make myself comfy, see what manly sports are on the TV. Need something to establish your balls are still in position.” Sniggering again, Cain strolled out with the six-pack as Jenna dashed in with her elephant plushie in her hand. “Night, sunshine.”

Connor let her bounce upstairs to the bedroom, carrying her juice for her as she clambered into bed and nestled Moose into bed beside her, his head on the pillow. When Connor held out the pill, she eyed it suspiciously. “Something to help you sleep, baby. Swallow it and get comfy.”

Mulishly, she accepted the tablet, dutifully obeyed with a big gulp of juice, then wiggled into her side of the bed.

“Which story would you like tonight?” he asked, patting the stack of books on the bedside table. Sarah had raided the thrift store and brought over a selection of books for varying ages.

It had been a profound relief to discover Jenna was capable of both reading and writing, although both were very rusty skills that needed honing again. Her handwriting was nothing more than a scrawl, barely legible, and that had upset her.

“Brothers Lionheart,” she told him, and her choice amused him. The book followed two brothers, one fit and healthy, one disabled, on their travels through the afterlife. It had quickly become her favorite, and it had so many facets to the story he didn’t have to wonder why.

He slipped it off the pile, settled his hip beside her, and set the book on his lap. As was her habit, Jenna inched her hand over the covers until her fingers hooked around his. She liked him to hold her hand while he read to her, that little gesture of comfort while she eased away into dreams.

He’d gotten into his own habit of adapting his voice to the character’s, giving each one their own. He’d felt like a fucking idiot the first couple of times, but Jenna’s obvious enjoyment kept him going.

Two pages in, Jenna was out.

“Fingers crossed for peaceful dreams, baby,” he whispered, setting the book aside and standing. Leaving the bedside lamp burning, Connor stole from the room and left the door open in case she needed him.

There was a football game on the TV, the six-pack on the coffee table, and Cain had staked his spot on the couch. Tidy bachelor that he was, he’d folded the duckling duvet at the end. Or maybe he just didn’t want to mess with Connor’s little's possessions.

“She down?” he asked, handing Connor a beer as he passed and dropped into the recliner.

Top already off the bottle, he noted as he sprang the footboard. “Down and out for now. We’ll see how long the sleeping pill lasts.”

“She tell you what the nightmares are about?” One eye on the game, Cain twisted in his seat to look at Connor.

“Sometimes. What she can remember, anyway. Mostly, she wakes screaming, mumbles something unintelligible, and drifts back off when I reassure her. There are some things she keeps close to her chest.”


Yeah, Connor agreed, it sure as hell did.

“Caleb shown his face around since Mr. Eff-Bee-Eye embarrassed the hell out of him? Miserable fuck hasn’t been into the bar, and it’s been mentioned he’s taken a couple weeks’ vacation by a few patrons of my fine establishment.”

Connor snorted, drank absently. “I deal with Hadley now. Jenna’s case falls under his purview; she’s officially part of the FBI investigation. Apparently, our special agent in charge went back to Cal’s office and actually took charge. Caleb didn’t like it, spouted off, and got himself removed from the case along with a three-week suspension. I think Deputy Arnold found himself with an unexpected promotion to sheriff.”

“Arnie made sheriff?” Cain slapped his leg and guffawed. “Good ole Arnie, ten years as Caleb’s bitch and he bags himself a promo. I’ll have to buy the sonofabitch a drink on the house.”

“Shouldn’t the self-proclaimed king of Creek gossip already know this juicy titbit?”

“Who says I didn’t?” He winked. “Some things are told to me in confidence, bro. Apparently, the town council want to keep it all hush-hush. There’s speculation Caleb will throw his hat in for good, and Arnie’s promotion will become permanent, but no one wants to jinx it.”

Connor laughed. “Oh, ouch. I know people think he’s a strict sheriff, but they always seemed to appreciate it. Lowest crime rate in years and all that.”

Cain tapped his finger against his nose. “You’ve not got your finger on the town pulse quite like you used to, Con. His popularity took a dive round about the time he came down on you for, you know. Never really got it back. Word got out about Jenna, his attitude toward the case, and he bombed again. His public persona hasn’t exactly been favorable either—he’s gotten shitty with a few folk, and we both know that doesn’t fly around here. It’s a fucking friendly town, and a sheriff who thinks he’s above the rest of us sinks like a goddamn stone.”

Connor watched several men built like tanks tackle another on screen, wincing as all five skidded across the turf using the ball-toting player as a surfboard. He mulled over Caleb’s self-made problem, drinking quietly as Cain flicked his attention back to the game, cheering when one team scored a touchdown.

College football. Those were the days.

“Think he’ll resign over this?’ he asked eventually.

“Gonna feel sorry for him if he does?”

“Are you?”

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