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“Wait a minute, you’re not Henry. You’re Herbert, aren’t you? Where’s Henry?”

The man inclines his head as he surveys the four of us.

“Actually, I’m not Henry,” he acknowledges in a low voice. “And I’m not Herbert either.”

“What?” I ask, befuddled. “What do you mean? Who are you then? You look just like them.”

The man nods.

“I’m Hoover, their identical triplet. I bet they didn’t mention that I exist, did they? Typical.”

I stare at the man.

“Wait, what’s going on? If you’re their triplet, then what are you doing there? How do you even know about us? About my home?” I ask, gesturing to my apartment. “You came in using a disguise.”

The man’s smile quirks up at one corner. Hoover is as gorgeous as his brothers, and my heart quickens a bit.

“It’s only a disguise if it’s fake, and my face and body aren’t fake. This is the real me. Like I said, Henry, Herbert and I are identical triplets. Once upon a time, we shared a womb. I swear it.”

“Okay,” James drawls, rising to his feet. The alpha male is so tall that his dark head almost brushes the ceiling in my apartment. “But why are you here? And where are your brothers?”

Hoover snorts.

“I came here to warn you about those quacks,” he says. “Herbert and Henry have been crazy since they were kids. They were always babbling about mystical shit, and this Order of the Raptor stuff is just their latest project. Did they tell you that you’re their “Mother Goddess” and “fit to be worshipped like a queen”? Did they tell you that they’re your humble servants, and will wait on you hand and foot until end times? So long as you provide them with sexual services, of course.”

I stare.

“They did refer to me as “Goddess” and “Queen,” if that’s what you’re talking about.”

“That’sexactlywhat I’m talking about,” Hoover says. “Don’t fall for it. They’re snake oil salesmen intent on gangbanging as many pretty young girls as they can. Say no. You don’t have to do this.”

“Wait, they’ve done this before?” I ask slowly. “There are other girls? What do you mean?”

Hoover shrugs.

“My brothers have been at it for at least a decade, if not two. They’ve always had a taste for sharing women, and this is their M.O. Hey, I get it, because I’m into pretty ladies too. Who doesn’t enjoy giving a young girl her first taste of getting all three holes plugged at once? Especially when she’s lush, curvy, and loving it. But yeah, the Order of the Raptor is just the latest incarnation of their con game. I’m sorry, honey. You’ve been had. Hopefully, I intervened before things got too fucked up.”

“Yeah, but why would your brothers even go to such lengths to get into a young girl’s pants?” James growls, shooting daggers at Hoover. “I mean, they’re good-looking guys. It should be easy for them to reel one in.”

Hoover shrugs.

“Who knows? They’re addled in the head, like I said. Have been since they were kids.”

I’m just about to ask more questions, when suddenly the door bursts open and who stands there in my apartment but two life-size copies of Hoover. It must be Herbert and Henry! The twins are carbon copies of their triplet, and they’re radiating fury as they stare at Hoover.

“You!” Henry shouts.

“What’s your problem?” Herbert demands, a vein pulsing in his temple with rage. “Why do you always have to get mixed up in our business?”

Hoover rolls his eyes.

“Because I hate seeing you scam other people. What’s with the fake religion bullshit? Don’t you guys ever get enough? Although I have to say that I’m impressed with this Order of the Raptor crap. Very elaborate. You guys have been working this one for a long time, haven’t you?”

Harsh streaks decorate the twins’ high cheekbones as they advance menacingly on their brother.

“The Order of the Raptor is real,” Henry spits, his fists curled tight. “Shut your trap.”

“We have located the Goddess after many years of going without,” Herbert rasps, stalking towards his triplet with fury blazing from those blue eyes. “You will be made to pay.”

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