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With every careful slice and cut, I feel like he’s closing in, although I don’t hear him move. My shoulders are up to my ears as I cook, but he doesn’t touch me at all. He’s not even that close when I risk a peek over my shoulder. He’s just standing there, watching me with the same curiosity one would give an animal in the zoo.

When the meal is finally ready, I'm almost relieved. Until I realize we'll be sitting down to eat together, like a couple.

The thought sends a jolt of electricity through me. I wonder how many women have had the opportunity to sit down to dinner with such a powerful man. How many would dare risk it? How many would be jealous of me?

This isn't a date, I remind myself sternly. This is work. I'm his employee, nothing more.

But as we settle at the small kitchen table, the intimacy of the moment is undeniable. The soft glow of candlelight casts flickering shadows across Avros's chiseled features. The rich aroma of the stroganoff mingles with his cologne, an intoxicating blend that makes my head spin.

"This is delicious," Avros says after his first bite, genuine appreciation in his voice. "Your grandmother taught you well."

I feel a flush of warmth through my entire body at his praise. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it."

We eat in companionable silence for a few minutes, the only sound the soft clink of silverware against expensive China. But there's a tension in the air, a weight of unasked questions.

Finally, unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I blurt out, "Tell me about your brother."

Avros stills, his fork halfway to his mouth. For a moment, I'm certain I've overstepped. But then his expression softens, almost imperceptibly.

"Miron," he says, his voice low and rich with emotion. "He's... complicated."

Avros pauses, twirling his fork in the stroganoff. His eyes meet mine, and for a moment, I see a vulnerability there that takes my breath away.

"Tell me," I urge gently, surprised by my own boldness.

He sighs, setting down his utensils. "Miron was always different. Sensitive. Our father called him weak, but I saw his kindness as strength. I still do."

As we continue to eat, Avros begins to speak, his usual guard lowering with each word. He tells me stories of a younger brother who idolized him, who followed him around like a shadow.

"I remember this one time," Avros says, a rare smile softening his features, "Miron must have been about six. He'd found an injured bird in the garden. Spent weeks nursing it back to health, talking to it like it could understand every word."

I find myself leaning in, captivated by this glimpse into Avros's past. "That's sweet," I say softly.

His expression darkens slightly. "Our father didn't think so. He said Miron needed to toughen up, that compassion had no place in our world."

"Your world?" I ask, unable to keep the curiosity from my voice.

Avros's eyes snap to mine, that familiar intensity returning. "Our family's business,krasotka. Let's leave it at that for now."

I nod, not daring to push further. After a moment, Avros continues, his voice softer now.

"When our parents died," he says, his eyes distant with memory, "I became everything to Miron. Father, brother, protector. I swore I'd never let anything happen to him."

His hand, resting on the table, clenches into a fist. Without thinking, I reach out, covering it with my own. Avros stiffens at the contact, but doesn't pull away.

"That's a heavy burden to bear," I say softly.

Avros turns his hand, intertwining our fingers. The touch sends a jolt of electricity up my arm. "It is," he agrees, his thumb tracing circles on my skin. "But Miron is worth it. He's the only family I have left."

I swallow hard, torn between the sympathy welling up in my chest and the voice in my head screaming that I'm getting too close, too involved.

"And now?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "With the trial..."

Avros's grip on my hand tightens almost painfully. "Now, I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe. Whatever it takes, Sydney. Please understand I’m not the type of man to say something like that lightly. I mean it with every ounce of spirit in my body.”

The intensity in his voice sends a shiver down my spine. It's both thrilling and terrifying, this glimpse of the lengths Avros will go to for those he loves.

I see a different side of Avros in that moment, not the ruthless boss, but a man driven by deep, unwavering family loyalty. It's humanizing. Almost endearing.

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