Page 22 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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I'll deal with the consequences tomorrow. Tonight, I just want to lose myself in the woman who's somehow become my salvation and my downfall all at once.

"Turn around," I growl, my voice thick with desire. "Hands on the desk."

Sydney's eyes widen, but she obeys without hesitation. The sight of her bent over my desk, her dress riding up to reveal the curve of her ass, nearly undoes me.

I step closer, pressing my body against hers. My hand slides up her thigh, pushing her dress higher. “I noticed that you weren’t wearing panties.” I chuckle darkly when she parts her thighs. “You were hoping for my fingers again, weren’t you? Such a naughty girl."

Sydney whimpers, pressing back against me. She’s dripping from her orgasm, and it takes every ounce of self-control not to take her right then and there.

Instead, I lean down, my lips brushing her ear. "Do you want my cock inside you again,krasotka? Tell me."

"Yes," she gasps, her voice breathy with need. "Please, Avros. I need you. It’s all I can think about now.”

Her words ignite a fire in my blood. I quickly undo my belt and zipper, freeing my aching cock. Without preamble, I line myself up and thrust into her, both of us groaning at the sensation. She’s hot and slick around me, primed from her orgasm, her sweet little pussy pulling me in eagerly.

I set a punishing rhythm, one hand gripping her hip while the other tangles in her hair. The sound of skin on skin fills the office, punctuated by Sydney's muffled moans and my own guttural groans.

“This tight little pussy is mine,” I growl, punctuating each thrust with the word. "Say it, Sydney. Tell me who your body belongs to."

“I’m your, Avros,” she cries out, her voice strained with pleasure. “Please, don’t stop. You feel so good inside me, I think I might come again.”

Her words push me closer to the edge. I reach around, my fingers finding her clit and circling it roughly. "Come for me, baby," I command. "Let me feel you pulse around my cock.”

Sydney's body tenses, then shudders as she comes apart around me. The feeling of her inner walls clenching around me triggers my own release, and I empty myself inside her with a hoarse shout.

We stay like that for a moment, both panting and sweaty. As the haze of pleasure begins to clear, I realize with a jolt that we didn't use protection. Again.

But as I look down at Sydney, her skin flushed and hair mussed, I can't bring myself to regret it. The primal part of me relishes the thought of her carrying my child, a visible mark of my claim on her. And I know that I would care for her, would give her everything, even if I shouldn’t.

I pull out slowly, turning Sydney to face me. Her eyes are glazed with satisfaction, her lips swollen from our kisses. She's never looked more beautiful.

"Are you alright?" I ask, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

Sydney nods, a small smile playing at her lips. "More than alright," she murmurs, leaning into my touch.

As I hold her close, I know that I'm in too deep. That I should end this now, before it's too late. But the thought of letting her go is more painful than any bullet wound I've ever endured.

So I push aside the guilt, the fear, the knowledge that this can only end in heartbreak. For now, I'll allow myself this moment of peace, of connection.

Tomorrow, I'll face the consequences of my actions. But tonight, Sydney is mine. And that's all that matters.



My stomach growls in anticipation of eating the lunch I’m preparing, but I don’t take a single bite of it yet, wanting to share this with Avros. We’ve gotten into a little routine lately, and to my surprise, I enjoy it. I hum softly to myself as I prepare lunch, my mind wandering to the events of the past few weeks.

So much has changed since that fateful night at the gala, when I first overheard Avros's conversation and my life took an unexpected turn. Now, I find myself living in his mansion, playing the role of his personal assistant—with an emphasis on "personal."

As I reach for two plates, my hand brushes against my still-flat stomach. A jolt of nervous excitement runs through me. It's too early to know for sure, but my body feels different. Changed. The possibility of new life growing inside me is both thrilling and terrifying.

I close my eyes, memories of the past two weeks washing over me...

Avros's study,late one night. The room is dimly lit, the only illumination coming from a small desk lamp. I'm bent over his massive mahogany desk, papers scattered everywhere as Avros takes me from behind. His grip on my hips is bruising, possessive, his fingers digging into my flesh with an intensity that's equal parts pain and pleasure.

“You are mine,” he growls in my ear, his accent thicker with arousal. Each word is punctuated by a deep, powerful thrust that sends shockwaves of pleasure through my body. "Say it, Sydney. Tell me who this tight little pussy belongs to."

“I’m yours," I gasp, my fingers scrabbling for purchase on the smooth wood. A stack of documents slides to the floor, but neither of us pays any attention. I’ve learned by now the words to make him lose control. “This body, this pussy, is only yours. No other man can touch it.”

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