Page 17 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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The warehouse air stinks heavily of motor oil and stale cigarettes, pale sunlight dancing on dust motes and landing on stains on the concrete floor. I wrinkle my nose at my filthy surroundings as I stride towards my informant, Nikolai. His wiry frame tenses as I approach, eyes darting nervously around the dimly lit space.

The sooner this is over with, the better—so I can get out of here and back toher.My Sydney, who I crave like an addict looking for the next fix. But first, I have to take care of things for my family.

"You have what I asked for?" I keep my voice low, authoritative. Little weasels like Nikolai have to be handled with a deft, confident hand.

Nikolai nods jerkily, producing a thick manila envelope from inside his coat. "Everything on Lance Halloway, boss. Location, workplace, daily routines—it's all there."

I take the envelope, its weight significant in my hands. The fate of my brother, of everything I've built, rests within these pages. But I resist the urge to open it here. Some decisions are best made in private.

"You weren't followed?" I ask, fixing Nikolai with a hard stare.

"No, sir. I made sure of it." He shifts uncomfortably. "But... there's something else. Word on the street is that O’Malley’s crew is getting bold. They're sniffing around your territory."

A muscle ticks in my jaw. Brian O’Malley—that opportunistic bastard has been a thorn in my side for years. If he's making moves now, with Miron's trial looming... it could spell disaster.

"Keep your ears open," I instruct. "I want to know every whisper of O’Malley’s plans. Understood?"

"Yes, boss. You can count on me."

As I turn to leave, I pause. "Oh, and Nikolai?" I glance back, letting a dangerous edge creep into my tone. "If I find out you've breathed a word of this to anyone..."

I don't finish the threat. The fear in his eyes tells me he understands perfectly. He’ll keep it to himself.

The drive home gives me time to strategize. The file on Lance weighs heavy in my briefcase, a constant reminder of the choice ahead. Part of me wants to pull over and devour every scrap of information. But I force myself to wait. This isn't a decision to be made lightly.

As I pull up to my estate, my thoughts drift to Sydney. Her fiery hair, those captivating green eyes that seem to see right through me. The way her soft curves fit so perfectly against my hard planes when I hold her. How I want nothing more than topossess her, to take her and have her, where the world can see that she’s mine so no one else can have her.

I growl low in my throat, gripping the steering wheel tighter. This...infatuation... with Sydney is becoming a liability. I can't afford distractions, not with everything at stake for me, my business, and my family. And yet, the thought of letting her go, of never seeing that defiant spark in her eyes again or hearing her breathy moans… it's unthinkable.

The house is quiet as I enter, heading straight for my study. A stiff drink and a thorough examination of Lance's file—that's what I need to focus on now.

But as I approach the heavy oak door of my sanctuary, I hear a soft sound from within. My hand instinctively goes to the gun holstered at my hip as I ease the door open, prepared to put an invader down.

The sight that greets me stops me in my tracks.

Sydney stands in the center of the room, her back to me as she frantically pushes at my bookcase. Even from here, I can see the panic in her movements, the tremble in her hands as she tries to close the secret door to my weapons room.

For a moment, all I can do is stare. She's a vision in the soft lamplight, the emerald green dress I chose for her clinging to every lush curve. Her hair has come loose from its usual neat bun, fiery tendrils cascading down her back in a way that makes my fingers itch to bury themselves in those silken strands. The dress has ridden up slightly, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of creamy thigh that makes my mouth go dry.

But as the initial shock wears off, anger rises hot and fast in my chest, mingling with a surge of raw desire. This little minx,this seemingly innocent creature I've welcomed into my home... she's been snooping. Violating my trust. Uncovering secrets that could destroy everything.

I should be furious. I should grab her by the arm and throw her out, consequences be damned.

Instead, I find myself achingly aroused.

The fire in my veins isn't just rage—it's lust, burning white-hot. Sydney's defiance, her curiosity, her sheer audacity in exploring my most closely guarded spaces... it awakens something primal in me. A need to dominate, to possess, to mark her as mine in every way possible.

I clear my throat, enjoying the way she startles and whirls to face me. Her eyes are wide, pupils dilated with fear and... unmistakable excitement. Her chest heaves with rapid breaths, drawing my gaze to the swell of her breasts barely contained by the low neckline of her dress.

"Curious little cat," I murmur, letting a dangerous edge creep into my voice. "Did you find anything interesting?"

Sydney's cheeks flush a becoming shade of pink as she stammers out excuses. But I'm not really listening to her words. I'm too focused on the way she unconsciously licks her lips as I stalk towards her, the pulse visibly racing at the base of her throat.

"I think," I say, moving closer until I have her backed against the bookshelf, "that you need to be reminded of your place here." My hand comes up to cup her cheek, thumb brushing across her lower lip. I feel her shiver at my touch, see the conflict warring in those expressive eyes—fear battling with naked desire.

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